chapter twenty-six

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I walked outside and was hit with a breeze that caused me to shiver. It was getting a little colder outside as it was starting to become fall. I walked up to a Hufflepuff that was a friend of Cedric. "Hey Flora. Do you know where Ced is?" I asked her after tapping her on the shoulder to get her attention. "Oh hey y/n, yeah I do." She said giggling a little. "He's behind that oak tree waiting for you." I thanked her and started to walk towards the oak tree she was referring to.

As I got closer sure enough I could see that there he was. I rounded the corner and said, "Boo!" He jumped a little and then looked at me. He started laughing, "You think you're real funny, don't you y/l/n?" I started giggling, "Why yes, yes i do." I said proudly. Then Cedric grabbed my hand and tugged me to the ground causing me to fall. "Oh you've really done it this time Diggory." I yelled and started punching his arm and chest. "Oh yeah?" He asked laughing at my failed attempt at trying to be strong. 

He then grabbed both of my wrists with each of his hands. He then leaned in close and said, "You're adorable y/n." I scoffed and glared at him. He then smiled at me which instantly caused me to smile too. He laughed at this. "Oh shut it Diggory." I said laughing. I don't know what it was about Cedric, but he made me happy, like really happy.

We calmed down and sat against the tree. "So my friends and I are going to Hogsmade today." I started, "Would you want to come with us." I asked looking down at my hands. He laughed a little and I looked at him a little confused. "What?" I asked. "Oh nothing you're just all shy and I don't know I just think it's cute." I looked back down at my hands and smiled weakly. "I'd love to go, but I have a potions test coming up that I need to study for." He said annoyed. "Oh well that's okay." I said trying to not sound to disappointed.

I wanted him to come, but I knew that he would probably not be comfortable with hanging with my friends. So, I kinda figured he would say no. "You okay?" He asked putting a hand on mine. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be." I told him weekly smiling. He returned a smile and I said, "Well I better go if i'm gonna catch up with my friends." I looked at him with kind eyes as i started to stand up. He grabbed my hand causing me to stop. 

"Wanna hang out later tonight?" He asked me while he stood up himself. "Oh sure." I said smiling "Cool, meet me after dinner." He said happily. "Oh okay, see you then Ced." I said, but before I could fully turn away he leaned down and kissed my cheek, "See you then y/l/n." He said smiling. I turned and walked away blushing and smiling.


hi guys sorry that i have not been super consistent i have been pretty busy. but i hope you enjoyed and lmk if u have any suggestions. also sorry if i messed up or if it wasn't good!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2021 ⏰

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