chapter eighteen

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When I walked into the Great Hall, I still felt sick. I decided to just grab a few berries and some juice, as I was not hungry, well I'm never hungry.  After I ate I got up and went back to the common room. I felt bad not saying anything, but I really didn't feel good.

Once I got there, no one was there. So, I sat on the couch and opened up my book. I started reading, but as I did so my eyes started to fall. I jerked myself awake a few times, until my eyes couldn't do anything but close. 

I woke up to the sound of my name being said all muffled. "y/n, y/n." The voice said. My eyes slowly opened and readjusted as the voice got clearer and clearer. It was Malfoy. "Hey, Hey." He said as I was coming too. I held my head with my hand and he said, "Don't worry we have ten minutes till classes start." I looked at him confused. Maybe I was just extremely fatigued, but he actually sounded caring. "Oh," I said, "Thanks." He looked at me with caring eyes and then snapped out of it, "Yeah whatever. I just came back to the dorm to get my bag and you know fix my hair that looks so bad." He said harshly. "Oh, Malfoy, I'm sorry that's not what I meant." I said looking into his eyes searching to see if that caring part would come back. "I'm kidding I know I could never look bad, and you're lucky I came in here when I did. Otherwise, you may still be out now." I looked at him annoyed, there's the Malfoy I knew. "Well, thanks." I said annoyed.

He went into his room and I decided that I should probably stand up. But, as I did the room began to turn and I fell right back onto the couch. 'That was weird' I thought to myself. I tried to get up again, but this time was even worse, luckily, Malfoy came rushing to my side to catch me. "Wow, wow, you good?" He asked me. "Oh yea just fine, thanks again, but you really shouldn't be helping me with that arm." I said sincerely. I regained my balance and walked out of the room. We walked to class and went on with the day.

Once the day was done I went back to my dorm and before I could do anything else, I crashed. I woke up a few hours later to the sound of Pansy saying, "y/n," repeatedly. I opened my eyes and say, "Oh hey Pans." She smiles, "It's dinner time y/n/n." She said. "Oh okay," I said getting up. I was a little worried because I didn't get my homework done. But, I figured I could just come back to the dorm early and finish up my work. 

I went down with Pans, and didn't really eat anything. I had just woken up and wasn't super hungry. I just grabbed some water. Then I said to Pansy, "Hey I think I'm just going to go back to the dorm." She looked at me with concern, "y/n you hardly ate anything for breakfast and lunch." I looked at her in confusion, "Yeah, well I wasn't hungry. Also I really need to get some work done. I'm gonna fall behind," I said getting more stressed by the second. "y/n you're more ahead then anyone in our class right now, I mean it's only the second day of school." She said to me trying to calm me down. It didn't work though no one has been able to help me with my stress sense I was little and went to grade school. "Well, if that's even true, I'd like to keep it that way." I said standing up and heading off to the dorm. 

I realized that I was probably being too harsh for Pansy, and hoped that I didn't hurt her feelings. I turned around to see, if I could see, if she got offended. But, she looked fine just a little worried, but she knows how I get when I have a lot on my mind. I turned back around as I was walking out of the great hall and I accidentally ran into someone. "Oh, I'm sorry." I said picking up my book from the ground. "Oh it was completely my fault." I familiar voice said. "Go on mate," that voice said to his friend how walked to the table. That voice belonging to Cedric Diggory's. 

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