chapter twenty

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Before I knew it, it was Friday. I woke up and put on my school uniform. I did my makeup and hair and got my day started. The only person I had told about Cedric and the Party was Pansy. She insisted on getting me ready. I didn't want to tell anyone else because, it was a Griffindoor party.

Once classes were over I went straight back to my dorm and finished my homework. As I was walking to my dorm I heard someone calling my name. "y/l/n!" It was draco, "Oh hey what's up?" I asked him taping my foot waiting for this conversation to be over. "You left your notes in class." He said and handed them to me. "Oh, thank you so much!" I said sincerely "Gosh I keep leaving everything." I smiled and took the notes. We started walking to the common room. "So, how's your arm?" I asked looking at it. "Oh um it's fine. I can handle it." He said confidently. "I'm sure you can." I said with a small laugh. 

We walked for a couple seconds in silence. "Thanks for asking." I looked at him shocked that he said thank you but, "Oh yea your welcome." I said with a smile. "So, uh Pansy was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight with all of us?" He asked I looked at him confused, "Oh, that's weird Pans knows I have plans tonight." We stopped as we were finally to the common room and looked a little nervous, "But, um definitely another time." I said kindly. "Pureblood." I said and we walked into the common room. He looked at me in awe for some reason and then walked in.

"So, uh, what are these plans?" He asked. I wish that I could tell him, I mean he is my friend, but he would probably get mad and talk me out of it. "Oh, you know nothing really, studying." I said kinda nervous. "Huh?" He said suspiciously. "Well, thanks again for bringing me my notes. I should probably get started."

I ran upstairs and into my dorm. I set my stuff down and started my homework. I was trying to get it all done before dinner so that way I wouldn't be stressing the whole party and making everyone miserable. I finished up the work, just in time for dinner.

stuck with you- draco malfoy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now