chapter twenty-four

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We walked back to the slytherin dorms. As we were walking we tried to be secretive, but it wasn't too hard. "Hey Cedric?" I asked. "Yeah?" He asked. "Did I make your night terrible?" I asked guilty. "What no, what makes you think that?"  he asked, "I don't know, I just didn't really hang out with you much and when I did I was too drunk." He laughed, "Y/n it was very fun watching you dance and have fun, so no you didn't. But you know who made me upset?" He asked, "No who?" I said looking over at him confused. "All of those guys coming up to you dancing with you and the ones just watching you and making comments." I looked at him confused. "Well, there wasn't that many, and why would that make you upset?" I asked. "There were a lot of guys y/l/n, and because I like you y/l/n and I wanted to dance with you." He laughed shyly. 

I looked over at him shocked. Why would any one want me or like me? We finally got to the dorm. "Well, I don't know why you would like me or want a dance with me, but maybe you can get that dance some other time." I said as we stopped and I looked up at him. "I would love that y/n." I smiled at him. "Well, thanks for this." I said. He nodded. "Night, Ced." I said to him as I went up on my toes and kissed his cheek. He smiled at me, "Night doll." I smiled and then walked inside. I closed the door slowly behind me trying not to make too much noise. Once it closed all the way, I closed my eyes and smiled leaning my head on the door. I took a deep breath and turned around. 

When I opened my eyes I saw Pansy, Theo, Enzo, Blaise and Draco all sitting on the couch playing cards. I looked at them surprised, then slowly turned and walked towards the stairs. "Y/n, stop." I stopped. "Back it up." I stepped back, "Turn." I turned around and faced Miss. Simon  Says, Pansy. She smiled at me and said, "Your hair is messy and your strap is falling." She said at me with a smirk. I looked at her confused. "Oh yeah it's been falling all night and I was dancing." I said kinda quite as I was embarrassed. 

"Yeah, right?" She said with a wink. "Pans really, I swear." I said trying to get her to believe me. Draco scoffed and i looked over at him. "What?" I said confused. "Nothing it's just typical for, you know, you to just go out looking like that and probably snogging with who knows who many guys." He said looking up and down at me with disgust. I looked at him hurt, but decided that I wasn't going to let him get to me. I was sick of just being little miss perfect all the time. And the alcohol in my system was giving me some courage.

"Aw is little Draco sad that he wasn't one of them?" I scoffed. "Ohhhh!" Theo, Enzo and Blaise said. "I couldn't care less y/l/n." He said annoyed. "Really cause it seems like you really do. And not that it is any if your business, but no I didn't kiss anyone." I said annoyed and started to turn away. "Why cause no one wanted you?" Draco said. I turned back around and said," No Draco, I don't give myself away like that. It's too.. easy. I tease them in and then leave them wanting more. It's what I did all night. But, then again I guess you wouldn't know because no one wanted you there." I scoffed. "Now if you will excuse me I'm going to go take a bubble bath, try not to think to much about me while i'm gone." I smiled and turned. "There is her slytherin side for you Draco." Pansy said all proud. "Oh and Theo, Blaise, Enzo I brought you back something." I said pulling two beers out of my purse and handing it them kindly. "And there is my y/n." Pansy said. 

I walked upstairs and took a bath I felt bad for saying what I did to Draco, but he was calling me a whore, what was I supposed to do? I was filled up on alcohol and had too much of a headache to care about what I was saying.


this is kinda weird ngl lol. ummm yeaaa sorry if it wasn't good or if i messed up! i hope you are enjoying this book and if u are feel free to vote it just let's me know that people actually like it lol. thanks so much for reading!

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