Cpt 26

554 28 3

Jiyeon's POV

Where is that guy I thought he'll arrive here first and now I'm waiting him for 30 mins already!

"Jiyeon!" I turn my back and saw him running while bumping to some people

"Why are you late?" I ask angrily when he stood in front of me


"What?" I raise my brows to him

"My members are teasing me and won't let me go outside." He said nervously and can't even look me in my eyes

"Arraseo." I said and turn my back to him I know he'll follow me

We went to the dress store first and he keeps goofing around sometimes I can't find him and he'll shock me. The next store we are still finding my dress and I really did found one.

"Hyuka." I called him but he keeps hiding

"Hyuka show up." I walk and walk and turn around of the shelf but he's not here

"Show up or I'll leave you here." I threatened then I felt a hug behind me

"I'm here." He softly said that made me blush our position is so awkward

"Let go now, I need to try this on." I said but he didn't

I sigh and walk while he's hugging me I thought it would be uncomfortable but I guess not. I walk to the counter and ask the sales lady in front of me.

"Hi I would like to try this dress on, where's your fitting room?"

"At the very end of that dress shelf ma'am then turn right." She said politely while looking at us smiling 

"Thank you." I bowed to her and this man behind me did too

As we arrive in front of the fitting room there's for women and men and a long chair in front so you can wait for your turn. I put some of my things in the chair but hyuka took my sling bag and wear it.

"I'll be trying the dress now. Just wait here and don't go anywhere." I said and pointed at him while glaring

"But can you show me while wearing it." He said and pouted at me

"Nauh, it's a secret you'll know it later on." I pat his head and went inside the fitting room

I'm currently choosing between the two dress, it's both gold color but the thing is it has different design in it. The first one have a floral design and the second one is more like a really elegant various of design but unnoticeable.

"This looks better more." I choose the second one hehehe

I go out of the fitting room and when I saw what's in front of me my blood boiled.

"Hyuka." I coldly said he was shocked and push the girl in front of him

"J-jiyeon." He stuttered the girl glared at him but smiled seductively

"Is she your sister?" The girl ask in a flirt tone to him I raise my brow

"Uhhh...." Hyuka can't talk properly

I roll my eyes to them before walking away to the counter. I paid for the dress and bring it with me after the sales lady packed it. I didn't bother to wait for him, nah it's his life *roll eyes*

I'm kinda hungry so I'm finding some restaurants here, and I saw one hmm.. I've never been here before, well I can't explore whole korea in one day right.

"Good morning miss." The girl greeted me she's teenager like me I think

"Good morning. I would like the special dish please and also a choco shake and a spaghetti drinks just water." I said and she listed it on her monitor while I'm finding my card

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