Cpt 39

416 15 1

Author's POV

"Stand up don't let your body get weak!" Momo shouted to jiyeon who's lying on the bed

"I really can't where's my medicine." She said momo handed her six medicine as she drink it all

Momo doesn't know what medicine she took but if it'll make her better she'll gladly let her drink it.

"Let's me call the doctor I can't handle this anymore jiyeon." Momo took out her phone to dial jiyeon's private doctor

"I'm sorry because of me your having a hard time. Just leave me here unnie I can take care of my self." Momo look at her eyes softened

"You're not giving me a hard time I can't handle your pain anymore so I need to call the doctor I don't want you hurt jiyeon." She nodded and close her eyes to rest

After calling the doctor momo took a basin full of warm water and put it on jiyeon's head. She's having a fever, throwing up sometimes and also having a massive headache.

*knock knock

Momo open the door of jiyeon's room and there is doctor kim their private doctor.

"What's the problem?" Dr. Kim ask

"She's been throwing up when she smells food and having massive headache I really don't know what to do doctor she sometimes cough blood." Momo said almost tearing up while jiyeon just listen to her half open eyes

"I see. Ms. Hirai can I talk to jiyeon privately?" The doctor ask she wants to protest but the doctor's eyes it tells that it's really important so she went outside

Doctor Kim look at jiyeon with sad eyes she's been the private doctor of myoui family and half of jiyeon's life she's there she treat her like her younger sister.

"U-unnie what's the pro-prob?" She weakly ask

"I'm afraid your showing symptoms of brain tumor."

Momo's POV

I'm getting anxious here outside her room why I'm so nervous. I took my phone and dial someone's number.

"Hello unnie?"

"Chaeyoung-ah I'm coming there I need to tell you something." I hung up after that

I texted doctor kim if she can look out for jiyeon for a while till I come back and gladly she agreed. I used jiyeon's car to drive back to the city.

When I arrive I immediately went inside the dorm I saw everyone looking at the floor when they look up they saw me and immediately launch at me.

"What's happening?" I ask confusingly

"I was worried unnie you sound so serious when you called." Chae said surprisingly not with her cold voice

"What happened?" Jihyo ask I told them to sit down

"I need your help jiyeon needs our help." They paid attention to me very well

"She had fever yesterday and this morning she throwed up with blood." I pause and everyone had a teary eye

"I called doctor kim but I wasn't able to ask what happened since she told me she'll talk to her privately all I know is it's not an ordinary fever. But I hope she'll get better after a week, on the way here I called the school and transferred jiyeon to online classes it's so sudden but she never attended school for 2 weeks already." I look at the maknae line

"I need you to handle her job me and sana will handle the unnie line. But if ever you'll go please tell me and I'll join you." I said they nodded hesitatingly

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