Cpt 10

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Mina's POV

"I'm here!" Jiyeon shouted and dance like a maniac

"Oh no..." Sana said and shook her head

"This is gonna be a long day." Nayeon unnie said too

"Not day more like a week." Jeong

"So whattsupp whattsupp!!" Jiyeon then sat infront of us looking at us that anytime she will eat us alive

"Are you sick jiyeon?" I asked her she then smiled at us like a drunk person

"Hihihihi who sick? Are you?" She said

"Wait let me check her." Chaeyoung said and went closer to jiyeon

"Yuck.." She said

"She smells like alcohol." She continued

"Yah! Why did you drink you're a minor for god sake jihyun." Nayeon unnie scolded her and smacked her head she then pouted while patting her own head

"Ouchiee..." She said cutely

"Now tell us why did you drink?" I asked and sat beside her

"We had a game in our room and it includes drinking." She explained

"Heol~ does your principal knows it?" Momoring asked

"Yes all the teachers cause it's like a free day for students and they also welcomed me."

"Now unnies can we go home now." She then look up while eyes close

"We still have practice jihyun." Dahyun said to her and handed her a water

"I'll just wait here then." She then sat at the sofa and lean her body

"Girls let's go 3 more to go and you can go, cause your sister look like a disaster." Our trainor said and we all chuckled

*Minutes After

I took my bag and so as the others.

"Jihyun-ah wakey wakey we need to go." Nayeon unnie called while fixing her things but she didn't heard any response

"Jiyeon nayeon unnie called you, wake up rest at home." Still no response

I look at jihyun and I saw her sleeping already she must be really tired. I went beside her and put my bag in the empty space beside me.

"Jiyeon wake up." I gently said and tapped her cheeks and it's burning hot that I immediately take back my hands

"Ouch.." I hissed they all looked at me

"What is it minari?" Momo asked

"Jiyeon is burning." I said and they all touched jiyeon's forehead they had the same reaction as me

"She's sick and drunk, well that explains why she came here dancing like a maniac." Jihyo said

"Grab her mina let's go home she needs to rest." I nodded at their statement I let chaeyoung bring my bag and jiyeon's bag

We get in the van and jiyeon is beside me leaning her head in my shoulder and the others are at the different van. The unnies line are there with jihyo. Sadness unnie drove us back to the dorm.

When we arrived I held jiyeon's arm in my neck she's not that heavy though infact she's very light like a feather.

"Let her sleep first and wake her up for dinner." Jeongyeon unnie said and I nodded my head

I brought jihyun to her room I changed her clothes to so she would feel comfortable. I took some wet towels and applied to her body and head so that her temperature will go down little by little.

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