Cpt 24

550 32 3

Jiyeon's POV

"I'm always here and will always listen to your rants jiyeon."

"Thank you." I lowly said I went to the railings and press my body in front

"So I'm really sad on my own birthday. Special persons didn't greet me, I came home without someone greeting me. I would be happy if just one of them did but no one." I started I already feel like crying

"Are you referring to your sisters?"

"Of course who else jiae." I laugh at her question

"Don't laugh when your sad cause it doesn't suit what you feel right now." As she said those my laugh died down

"Don't show the opposite feeling your heart feels jiyeon. It's very bad for you and it will affect the people around you."

"They don't even care about me." I sadly said

"They do jiyeon, that's what you felt cause you always want attention from them."

Is getting attention really that bad I just want to feel my sisters love for me this might be selfish but I only want me to be their only baby jiyeon is that bad for me and them.

"Be friends with other people too, your unnies are not always with you, yeon. They also have their individual life. I'm not slapping this words to you, but all of that was facts."

"Can't I be selfish jiae." I said crying already

"You can jiyeon you can. But you did it on the wrong time, a friendly advice yeon. Don't expect please even they are the closest person to you don't expect cause your hopes will kill you in the end."

What she said really hit me hard, I just want to be happy on my birthday. It's been days since my unnies always avoid me except when they longing for my presence like sana unnie earlier.

Everytime I go to her to cuddle she will always stand up so she can avoid me. I always feel like useless and not a worthy person. I'm a clingy person and I can't handle it when my love ones avoid me.

"Jiae I want to be happy today. Can you sing me a happy birthday?" I asked her and wipe my tears but it keeps coming down

"Happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you, happy birthday happy birthday, happy birthday to you~"

"Baby yeon happy birthday, even though we're just months apart you'll always be my dongsaeng. I love you always."

"Thank you jiae unnie.." I cry again and again

"I'll sing a happy birthday for myself too a gift for myself."

"Happy birthday to m-me h-happy b-birthday happy birthday h-happy birthday to m-me..." Crying again I keep sniffing it hurts so much but happy at the same time

I'm just happy someone sing me a happy birthday in this kind of situation. Of course itzy unnies I'm happy too they greeted me and my friends.

"Now stop crying, I hate to hear you cry."  What she said triggered me


"Now stop crying baby yeon we hate to see you cry." I look up to nayeon unnie

"Happy 17th birthday our baby." Mina unnie hugged me and they all followed

*Flashback ends

"I'm happy now."

"Did I made you smile." I can hear her teasing voice it made me smile

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