Cpt 20

711 28 0

Nayeon's POV

"Girls get up we are here!" Jihyo shouted and groans can be heard

I look at the mirror above and saw that they fall asleep and jihyo is waking them up now. I went out of the van and stood in front of the amusement park.

"Is this really the amusement park?" I asked still facing the park

"Umm..yes?" Jeongyeon said more like asking

"What are you talki—" Sana cut off what she said and also look infront of the so called amusement park

"Why it's so quiet? Amusement park used to be loud." Mina said

The amusement park look like a dead city with no people I mean it's so quiet like some battle was held here. Only the air is loud. What?

"It's private I think?" Jihyo questioned

"Let's just go in." Dahyun said excitedly

"Excuse me?" Jihyo asked the guy who's inside the booth in front of the gate

"Yes miss what is i—wait you are...." He didn't continue what he said instead he smiled and open the gate

We went inside confused the guy look at us and smiled gesturing we have to move forward.

"So what now..." Chaeyoung said we keep wandering our eyes

The place os so quiet and it's so cold since christmas is coming, I forgot my sweater why it's so cold! I flinched when someone place a coat in my shoulder and I look back momo smiled at me.

"It's cold u-unnie..." She awkwardly said and the others are looking at her

"What about you?" I asked

"I'm already get used to the cold." She answered and walk ahead while holding her sling bag by her left arm

"Weird momo doesn't use sling bag. She uses big bags while holding it on her hands." Sana said she really knows momo

"And she get cold fast." Mina said

"She doesn't want anyone to touch her things." Jeong added

She is getting weird by the time flies. We just followed momo she's in front of a roller coaster she smiled at us and asked.

"Who will ride this?"

"Me!" We all answered except dahyun and mina

"You mina and dahyun?" She asked them

"N-no...." They said trembling

"Come on it's fun. You overcomed this when we went to the amusement park with areum. Let's go!" She said excitedly and went inside

"Ok what's happening to her she's really weird." I said

"She is the scaredy cat of the group." Jihyo said

"And who the hell is areum!?" Sana said shouting with her cute voice

"You mentioned that name right unnie?" Tzuyu said and looked at me

"What? Me? I don't who's that I don't even know that name." I said to them

"Hey it's starting let's go!" Momo said already sitting at the roller coaster chair

I sat beside her and she smiled at me i lool at her weirdly and awkwardly. She look in front and the coaster started moving.

"WAHHH!" Sana shouted with her high pitch voice

"Unnie!!" Dahyun keeps hiding in jeong's arm they are in front of us

"THIS IS FUN!" Jihyo shouted really loud you know her voice is like a mic or more than a mic

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