Cpt 17

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Mina's POV

It's already weekend and finally we had a break for months only photoshoot is our schedule. We are here in the dorm watching movies as usual.

"We're going now!" Jiyeon shouted while coming upstairs

She and maknae line are going out again they don't want to tell us where but they said they just want to have fun. We planned to go to the lotte world but I guess they have their own bonding time.

"Be careful and comeback home early." Jihyo reminded before they go out

Nayeon unnie and sana are putting some new nail art in their nails and chit chatting. Jeongyeon unnie is cleaning the living room, momo is sleeping in the couch. Jihyo and I are playing games.

The tv is on but I think no one's watching I observe my surroundings and then someone shouted.

"Mina! Kill that geez don't stand there!" Jihyo shouted she's just beside me her voice is so loud

Nayeon unnie dropped the polish, sana almost injured herself while cutting her nails. The plant was about to drop in the floor cause jeongyeon unnie bumped to it but she catch it thank god. And momo fell off the couch while rubbing her eyes and butt.

It was quiet and jihyo will just shout who won't be shock this thomas is so noisy.

"Jihyo!" Momo said and glared at jihyo

"Mianhe..." Jihyo apologize and smiled nervously

"I almost throw my phone at you. Just lower down your voice." I said to her softly and she nodded her head

We continued to play games until momo asked...

"Where are the others?" She just got back from the kitchen after drinking water

"They went out maybe have some fun." Nayeon unnie answered her since everybody is busy including me

"But we're going to the lottle world." She said and pouted

"We are just without them." Jeongyeon unnie said she's finally done cleaning and sat beside momo and watched tv

I stopped playing since sleepiness is eating me so I gave jihyo my phone and told her I'll rest. I lay down in the couch and since momo is near my legs she took my foot and place it on her lap.

I'm a bit uncomfortable cause I don't have a pillow ㅠㅠ so I was about to stand up when a hand took my head and place it gently on her lap. I look upward and saw sana she was done with her nails already.

I melted by their actions my co-japanese members are so sweet fans may adress momo as pabo which is not true at all she observes her surroundings.

Sana who shows affection always I understand her she doesn't have any siblings so she pour her love to us. And I can say that I'm really lucky to be one of the J-line.

"We'll leave later 3pm." Jihyo said and that the last thing I heard before I went unconscious

I was awoken up by someone who keeps rocking my arms. I'm a light sleeper so I wake up fast. I opened my eyes and saw sana smiling weirdly I look at her confused.

"Lunch is served and you need to take a bath." She said and I sat down in the couch and look at my surroundings before standing up

I went to the kitchen and saw them preparing the table I drink some water cause my throat is so dry.

"Let's eat." Nayeon unnie said we all sat down

"Thank you for the food!"

We started eating and it's so quiet well this is us when eating super quiet. I noticed momo is not eating she is just touching the food with a spoon.

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