Cpt 35

425 18 1

Jiyeon's POV

I'm excited school's over and I'm going to JYPE right now to be a trainee. First I need to have an interview and show my talents.

Good thing the unnies teach me and improve my singing and dancing skills. I walk through the hall ways of 3rd floor I knock on uncle jyp's door.

"Come in."

"Oh jiyeon great to see you." I bowed at him and sat on the chair in front of his table

"The audition will start tomorrow i just called you here that you can practice at your unnies practice room. I think they are there." He said and I got excited

"Really uncle. Thank you so much!" I stood up and bow to him many times

"But I don't want other trainees to think of me that I have special treatment here it'll affect twice unnies career." I said and he just smiled at me

"You don't have to worry about that even the trainees know it won't be reveal to public that's the rules here if your a trainee just a trainee and practice to become an idol." He explained I just nodded my head but still full of worry

"Stop thinking about that. You have vocal lessons this morning then have a lunch break and proceed to the practice room for dance lessons." He game me my schedule I put it on my backpack

"Ok uncle thank you again!" I bid my goodbyes and went outside of his office

I sigh heavily before walking to the elevator. I'm very nervous it's my first time I never had a dream becoming an idol but everytime I saw the unnies performing at stage or practicing at the house it gives me courage to audition.

"Hi! Good afternoon!" I bow when I went inside the vocal room

"Annyeong, sit down we're still waiting for one person." He said I nodded my head

I look around and it's pretty dark but there are still some lights. The color of the walls are black it's cold too why did I even wear crop top and jeans. I blew air from my mouth the vocal teacher is just examining his papers. I'm getting awkward.

Just then the door opened revealing jihyo unnie. I look at her and smile a little am I obvious that I'm nervous.

"Hello jihyo-ssi. You'll be the one to teach her and I'll just monitor." He said

I'm nervous it's jihyo unnie for god sake It'll be embarrassing if I mess up.

"No prob Mr. Shin I'll handle her." Why does it sounds scary when she said I'll handle her

Unnie place two chairs in front of the piano she gestured me to sit so I obeyed like a puppy. She handed me a paper full of notes.

"Let's check your breathing first."

Hours of training I feel like my throat was sliced. She never let me drink water (个_个) unnie is so mean don't tell her.

"Here sorry for not giving you water I'm just teasing you." She said and handed me her water bottle

"Can I drink all of this?" I ask she laugh at me

"Arasseo." Without further ado I drink all of it and gave back the container to her

"Unnie I'll be going now. I need to eat lunch." I said and stood up

"You sure? Sorry we can't join you we still have dance practice." Jihyo said sadness shown all over her face

"It's fine unnie, I invited itzy unnies with me." I said excitedly

"Glad you're with someone."

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