Cpt 36

448 18 1

Author's POV

3 days have passed jiyeon never went home to the dorm. She's at their rest house she never left there and her room. But there's someone who's taking care of her.

"Baby let's eat." Someone come inside her room

She just look at the window and shook her head she's been like that for days she doesn't eat at all she just sleep after waking up she will look again at the window.

"Come on you're getting skinny. You're unnies are already worried for you and I am too." Jeonghoon said he eat beside her and scoop some rice and food

"Come on eat up." He said but jiyeon is not opening her mouth he then sigh

"Ok I won't force you but I also won't eat until you will." He said and went to the couch to answer some of his school works

Jiyeon look at him with guilty eyes she made someone hurt again and she hate it. Cause she always feel like everything is her fault. She slowly stand up but because of weak body she fell. Jeonghoom immediately assit her.

"See even your legs are weak already. Let's go for a walk later you also need to get put of the house and exercise."

She gesture to get the food he finally smiled cause he successfully made her eat after days.

He feed her until the plate is empty he gave her a glass full of choco drink. She immediately empty it she's surely thirsty.

"I w-want t-to g-g-go out." She said with a hoarse voice

He left the room for jiyeon to take a bath and change clothes. After that he supported her to go downstairs.

"My phone?" She ask he gave her phone to her and it's off she turn it on bunch of text and missed calls greeted her

The phone almost fall of her hands because of weak grip. She's so weak really weak like a sick person she can't even move her body without pain.

"Where do you wanna go?" He ask

"P-play ground." She immediately held his shoulder cause she can't walk properly

They arrive at the park jeonghoon let her sit at the swing and he's just beside her. There are also kids who are playing happily.

She started to rewind all the things that happened. Her sister wants her to go to the US she didn't even agreed to it. She wants to talk to her unnie but she can't bare hurtful words anymore.

Just thinking and imaging it makes her heart crumple. She wants to escape but she can't just leave the people who's important to her. It's better to give your everything to them than nothing. Jiyeon doesn't hate anyone she hates her self for acting like that in front of her sisters she never done it before she never said 'I hate you' to her sister and now she's worried that her unnies are hurting right now.

Jiyeon's so incredible she's the one hurting yet she still think if others are hurt. If the people around her gets hurt by her words then she's getting hurt by actions. For her actions speaks louder than voice if a person avoids her not knowing what she did she gets hurt and all she can do is stay away too.

She wonder if there's someone who's proud of her for always sacrificing her feelings. If someone is proud of what she's doing she wants to feel it even not in words actions might do.

"You know....." Jeonghoon was startled when she spoke that's because she's been quiet since earlier

"This is the park where I met twice unnies. The first one was sana unnie she saw me here playing alone and there are no kids at all she told me if I can play with her. Everyday we would always play I was super young that time I'm just 4 years old her and mina unnie became friends because of me. Then I saw momo unnie at this park too she's standing in front of the ice cream vendor she looks sad that time so I offered to buy her ice cream she gladly agreed and said she'll pay me after but I refused and said play with me and you're paid. Since sana unnie always play with me at the park the jline met they would always play with me." Tears start to form in her eyes he wants to wipe those away but he knows letting out what's on your heart will make you at least feel better

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