Cpt 8

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Mina's POV

"Y-you.." I pointed my hands at her shakingly

"You don't miss me." She then pouted and sat down again her back was facing us

I went to her and hug her very tight. I miss this girl especially her voice.

"Eyy I though you don't miss me." She teased and laughed

"Yah! Of course we missed you very much." Nayeon unnie said and cried then all of us are hugging her right now good thing we are not in the edge or we'll might fall

"Jihyun we though someone took you." Sana unnie said

"I'm just waiting here. Well I though a little prank won't hurt." She wiggled her eye brows to us while giggling

"And that gun it's dangerous put it down." I scolded her she then looked at the gun and put it up and pulled the trigger it made a big noise

"Why would you do that it's dangerous!" Jihyo said angrily

"It's not a real gun it's just a toyㅋㅋㅋ" A toy gun? But it's like a real gun

"We don't believe you." Jeong unnie said with a poker face

"Gosh see this. If I will pull the trigger the sound that will come out is from the speaker there." She said and pointed at the speaker near the pool

"We've been tricked." Momo unnie said and we all laughed

"What's with the blood yeon?" Jihyo asked

"Well I want to scare you guys it's just ketchup." She said and giggled

"But it smells stinky." Momo said while pouting well maybe she can still remember what does it smell

"Oh maknae unnies putted raw fish that's why it's stinky." She explained

"You know we got scared because we though someone took you." She then laughed because of nayeon unnies word

"No no I won't do that. I just want to surprise you guys, I woke up earlier and you are not there I texted maknae unnies to prank you guys. They were also excited so they went home fast early than you."

Woah that fast maknae line are shooting hmmm...maybe they went really in high speed.

"Mind if we join." The maknae line then joined our conversation

"It feels great the fam is complete again." Jihyo said and sigh

"Yah don't you dare go home late again ok." Nayeon unnie scolded my sister

I just chuckled at their antics I should be the one scolding her well it's ok my members treat my sister as their real sister too and I can see that jiyeon is really happy since she started living with us.

She really asked our parents and begged to live with me. Since she was a child I'm always with her even when sleeping she want me to be by her side. She's too precious.

"Arasseo arasseo. I'm traumatized of what happen I feel like walking going to school." She said that made us sad

"Don't worry we're going to fetch you. Starting now you are banned driving a car." I strictly said to her and she nodded her head

"Sorry to cut off the moment but let's go back the foods are already cold." Dahyun said and we stood up and followed her

We went back and we sat down and started eating all of our favs are here. Who cooked this? It's delicious.

"Who cooked this?" Momo said like reading my mind

"I am." Jiyeon said and raised her hand up while smiling widely too cute

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