Cpt 25

589 27 1

??? POV

"Boss he's here." His private bodyguard said to him

"Let him in." He said with a gesture while holding a stick of cigarette

His two guards from outside let the guy in, he looks so brave and scared at the same time. There's a silent for a minute after the man turn around and smiled.

"Welcome officer." He said creepily

"I don't want to make this long. Where are the files." He said sternly the officer got scared and took his little bag and put it on the table trembling

The man gesture his guard to check the inside, they obligated and check the documents one by one while the man look at them squinting his eyes.

"All here boss." The guard step back after checking the documents


"Officer you did a good job, keep it up. I'll call you when I need you again." He said and sat on his swivel chair he gesture something to his body guard

The bodyguard took a brief case and put it on the table and opened it. The officer look at the amount of money with joy but also guiltyness.

"That's your money as promise amount. I hope you won't betray me officer. You'll free to leave."

The bodyguard took the brief case and handed it to the officer and escorted him until they are outside. The man laughed crazily they are in a dark room only one bulb of light in the center.

"I'm not dumb officer." He stated lowly while looking in a screen in front of him

The officer's car blow up along with him when he was about to get in.

Mina's POV

I woke up when I heard noises outside I rub my eyes and look at the sleeping members, they are sleeping comfortably. I was startled when I heard noises again but I think it's coming from a stainless pot.

I went out of bed and immediately go outside I find where the the noise is and finally went to the kitchen but was shocked seeing jiyeon dancing.

"Jiyeon what are you doing?" I asked she was shocked and drop the spatula and look at me

"Nothing just dancing, look." She dance weirdly while holding the spatula using it as a mic and lip sync

"You're weird." I said and she chuckle

"Oh right, I will go to the mall unnie I'm asking permission now." She said and look at me while stirring the pot she's cooking something

And I remembered what happen last night, after jiyeon left to sleep we didn't talk to each other the whole dorm was so quiet. I cried yesterday while thinking of my sister, I'm lack of sleep right now.

"Unnie." She wave her hands in front of me and I blink my eyes

"Why are you crying?" She asked and her face turn to angry

"Who hurt you let me beat their asses. I'm going to practice my knuckles now unnie where do they live." She mumbled and it's so cute

"No no I'm still thinking of the drama I watched last night." I lied and wiped my tears

Then she smiled and went back to cooking I sat on the chair leaning my body to the table.

"Unnie wake them up..." She said and turn off the music on her phone

"Why don't you wake them up." I suggest I want the members to have time with jiyeon at least just like this

I know they will feel more guilty but they can't resist her she's too cute and precious. She look at me and smiled.

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