Cpt 21

682 24 1

(A/N: Heads up for a high school musical like chapter. Bold/Initial means they are singing. Initial the background music.)

Jiyeon's POV

IT'S A GREAT DAY TODAY!! Hehehe I'm just happy finally I'm 18 now. I take a bath and dress up in my uniform, I went downstairs and saw no one(╥﹏╥)

Where are the unnies did they not go home last night. I sigh and went to the kitchen to make my breakfast but I don't have appetite so I just took some choco drink and turn off all the switch and left the dorm.

I drove to the school and went outside as I walk to my room my schoolmates began giving me gifts and I accept them with a smile some wants to take a picture with me so I didn't hesitate to agree.

"Our celebrity is here." Mihyun said and I chuckled

"Just a normal person still me." I said and smiled I put my bag in my table beside it there's a bag holder and I sat down

"Happy birthday." Someone said I look at my side and saw the three of them with a gifts in their hands I smiled and hugged them

"Thank you." I putted their gifts to me im my bag

I took my headphones and phone and started to play some music as I was arranging the gifts from the students. I took it one hand it's so many like super duper but glad I can carry them.

"Just putting this on my locker." I said to eunsoo unnie and she nodded her head

I went outside the room and walk to my locker I put all the gifts inside and close it but I was shocked when someone was leaning in the lockers.

"Yah!" I scolded him and he laughed

"Happy birthday." He gave me a chocolate and I smiled it's my favorite one though

"Thanks." I said to hyuka it's not awkward anymore we did our mission last year it's february already and things didn't went well while doing our mission

I don't want to talk about it my days for the past few months are not that great.

"I'll go ahead now I still need to finish my homework." He said

"You always do your homework late."

"Well I'm an idol super busy." I nodded to him and he left

I decided to go to the rooftop so I use the stairs and opened the door fresh air welcomed me. I lean to the railings and smiled. The rooftop is full of beautiful flowers, any kinds of flowers.

Sometimes I water the plants since I'm always here in the rooftop everyday I always stop by here either one to two times a day. Except if I really want to go here.

The music stopped and my phone rang I look at the caller and smiled I answered it.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you. Yayyy!!!" The first thing I heard and I giggled

"Thank unnies."

"Jiyeon visit us here in the company well treat you." I heard lia unnie said

"Sure after school I'll go straight there."

"Did your class start already? Maybe your in class stop using phone." Yeji unnie said and I shook my head smiling and look at the view in front of me

"30 mins before class." I muttered and I heard some shoutings

"What happened?" I asked

"Well ryujin and chaeryoung are teasing yuna again." Lia unnie said and I laughed as I imagine them running around

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