Cpt 41

420 20 1

Author's POV

Beeping of the machine in jiyeon's hospital room can be heard she had seizure earlier so they inject her some sleeping pills. Momo held her hand and a tear drop.

"I'm sorry. I was never been a good unnie to you I'm sorry on behalf of your other sisters. I still can't loose you jiyeon you're the only hope I have in this world you're the only one who can make me happy even the people I love leave me I know you'll still be there." She peck jiyeon's forehead

"I believe that you'll bring back the old you. Come back to us when everything's alright."

*Knock knock

"Ms. Hirai she needs to be transferred in the V.I.P room now." Doctor Kim said as momo wiped her tears before giving some way

This will be the last day she'll see jiyeon in the hospital room she won't come back here anymore. She's left behind to their schedule and jyp already said that her rest is done she needs to go back to her idol life.

"Dcotor kim." Momo stopped her as doctor kim turn around

"Please take care of her and when she wakes up give her this." She handed a camera to her

It's full of their pictures since the day jiyeon was born and when she met all twice members.

"In case she won't remember me or us give her this and tell her stories. You know our life story doc I trust you with that." As doctor kim took it with a smile momo's tears drop continue

Momo watch jiyeon being drag by the doctors and nurse she can't control her tears anymore so she break down and punch the floor countless times.


"Hi nayeon unnie do you know where jiyeon is?" Hyerim ask

She want to visit jiyeon so she went in their dorm. Nayeon just look at her and shook her head.

"Oh it's ok please tell her that I miss her already when she comes back." Sadness is evident in her face as she went home

After closing the door she lean on it and cried.

I miss her too.

That words always linger to nayeon's mind even at work or rest day jiyeon always occupy her mind.

"Nayeon unnie." Someone called she look up and saw tzuyu

"Missing her? I know I miss her too we could ask momo unnie if we can visit her." Tzuyu tried to cheer her up nayeon nodded agreed to her suggestion

They knock on jeongmo's room. Jeongyeon opened the door for them and they saw momo sleeping dry tears on her face.

"She's awake just closing her eyes I will give you guys privacy." Jeongyeon whispered as she went out

"Friday." Momo suddenly said and look at the two

"You can see her on friday. Seoul National University Hospital. At the top floor where plane lands, 7AM." Momo said with full of details

"Why at the rooftop?" Nayeon ask

"Don't ask just go if you want." She rudely said as the two sigh and went out

"Lunch is ready!" Jihyo announced as everyone slowly went down

"Today's lunch is jokbal, kimchi, a brot soup and for dessert a mousse cake." She said as everyone stop from moving except momo and look at the vacant seat

It's jiyeon's favorite foods especially chocolate she'll eat anything with chocolate. Sana suddenly burst out of tears and flop down the floor momo silently eat but inside she's breaking seeing her best friend in that state.

"Sana let's e-eat." Jeongyeon stuttered as she was affected by sana's cries

"Eat." Momo's cold voice made them stop

"How can I eat properly when my sister is at the hospital I can't even see her I didn't get the chance to say sorry." Mina hold the spoon tighter and her hands are already turning red

"That's what I thought. Did you learn your lesson well? There's no trust in this family that's why each of us have secrets. Since kids we've been together but you guys trust other people than me or us. I've warned you myoui on jiyeon's birthday I clearly warned you to stop breaking our family apart." Momo deadly said half way done of her food

"Why it's always me you lecture. Everytime you do that I also felt hurt cause I feel like I have the biggest fault here on earth." Mina hurtfully said

Everyday she felt guilty she always thought that no one understands her like it's hard to support her. All she wants is the best for her sister but she guess it all went wrong.

"I never said it's all your fault all of us did bad thing but you are the selfish one." Momo stood up and put her dishes on the sink

"I repeat again. Friday at Seoul National University Hospital 7AM. Come if you want to see her." With that she left the dinning area and went back to her room


"Sorry but you can't." Jyp said and eveyone became frustrated including momo

"Just please only for a couple of hours." Jihyo begged

"No you have schedule that day." He sternly said

And this time mina thought of something that could shock everyone. She's hesitating and her hands are trembling but she master up her courage and speak.

"I will quit being an idol if you won't let me." They all turn to her shock in their faces

"You can't do that mina." Jyp said to her disbelief

"I.Can. This is the only chance I can see my sister and I will do anything to make it up to her. Let us be or we'll quit." She said sternly as jyp clapped they are all confuse

"Well done myoui. Did you already realize the worth of your sister?" He stated

"I know her condition that's why I ask momo to bid you from visiting her." Dahyun was about to say something but jyp raised his hands

"Mr and mrs. myoui asked for it, your sister is suffering the reason why she's in that state because of you guys. And to heal her was to take her away from those who made her suffer." Jyp said and cross his arms they all became quiet

"You all did your parts you became a great and lovable unnie to her but you never saw that the love you give is slowly drowning her. Doctor said she have depression she secretly goes to doctor kim since she was 15. Now tell me did anyone even notice her change of personality?" They're all shock inside but kept their face straight outside it's their first time hearing this

"Only one, momo." They all look at her she's playing her hands nervous

"She never smiled the way she used to, I always saw how she hesitate to approach us. She always hold her chest and I know she's hurting her heart is really fragile it's so soft just by one hurtful word she gets weaken. But she always smile you may always see her smiling brightly but I notice everytime you look away her smile drops. So I silently let her feel that I'm still here so I always sleep with her cause she always have nightmares. It's always you guys leaving her behind and now she's afraid to love again she's afraid to let other people come to her life." As she spoke her voice slowly voluming down

"Now. I want you all to cooperate I want you all to trust each other and not fight this is not the twice I know. You all have a special bond that no one can break so for jiyeon sacrifice everything including time."


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