Cpt 9

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Jiyeon's POV

I woke up early cause jihyo unnie barged in to my room and used her very loud voice to wake me up. I'm used to it though but her voice is really loud it could make my ears damaged. Just joking godjihyo forgive meh.

I was now dressing up. I wear my skirt then shirt and coat after that my vest and cardigan now I'm ready. I opened my door to go downstairs but then I realize I forgot something.

"Oh hey jihyun going do-" I didn't let sana unnie finish and went inside again closing the door

I searched for my tie I took my clothes off again yeah forgetting to wear the tie is the worst. I wear my clothes again but before wearing the vest I wear my neck tie then vest and cardigan now I'm done. My shoes are at the door and socks so no worries now.

I went downstairs and I saw sana unnie at the couch surfing on her phone. She then noticed me.

"Good morning jihyun-ah." She greeted happily

"Good morning unnie!" I then sat next to her

"Did you had a goodnight sleep?" She asked and I hummed before leaning my head on her shoulders

"You still look tired though." She said worriedly and put her phone aside

"No I'm fine, really." I assured her

"You sure?" She asked again

"I'm sure. Maybe it's just hunger." She then let me stand up and she stood up too

"Then let's go to the dining area maybe they are now done cooking." I followed her to the dining area and we saw the others sitting and the unnie line putting down the foods at the table

"Oh you two are here I was about to call you guys. Sit down let's eat." Jihyo unnie said and gesture the sit beside her so I sat down and I'm between mina unnie and her

"Let's eat?" Jeong unnie said

"Thank you for the food!" We all shouted then we start digging up

"So jiyeon you might get late at school is that ok?" Nayeon unnie asked then I looked at her with food in my mouth

"Ne! My profs won't be angry and besides I'm in the special section." I said and she nodded her head

"Eat up so we can go now."

*After eating

"Let's go now girls!" Nayeon unnie shouted from the car

"Wait my bag!" I shouted and was about to go upstairs

"Jihyun here." Momo unnie throwed something and I catched it

"Oh gomawo!" I thanked her she took my bag at my room maybe after we done eating

"Let's go ppali!" Nayeon unnie scolded

"Coming geez!" The other unnies laughed at me

We got inside the limo nayeon unnie is driving while jeong unnie is beside her at the shotgun seat. The car is moving so I checked the time and it's 7:30.

I'm going to be late our class starts 8:00 I assume that nayeon unnie will drive slow for safety. 2 hours of travelling I wonder if my unnies get tired going here and going back again at seoul.

"Hey stop over thinking. Sleep in my shoulders you still look tired earlier." Sana unnie nudge my side I look at her

"I'm ok." I said and look straight again

"No you're not." She firmly said

"*Sigh* Unnie jebal." I said quietly

"Rest." She then glared at me

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