Cpt 13

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Tzuyu's POV

"5 mins till the live!" The producer shouted

Some of us are practicing and some are just eating we are going to see onces again. It's already 3:31am four minutes till the live recording.

Then someone came to me while holding a camera I'm just sitting here though.

"Tzuyu-ssi can I interview you?" Nayeon unnie said and I smiled to the camera


"Are you happy to see once again?"

"Of course I also hope once are happy to see me too."

"Ah ne, once would be really happy. So what do you think of the comeback song?"

"Well it's good many people could really relate to it." (This is feel special era)

I take out my bag and showed it to the camera.

"What do you have there tzuyu-ssi."

Then the interview just go on and I showed my things inside my bag until the producer called us already.

"Let's take!"

We went to the stage and once started to shout we smiled at them and the songs started, we had so many tries and an opportunity to talk to once.

"Once thank you for coming!" Nayeon unnie said and waved at them

"This has been..." Jihyo unnie we lined up

"One in a million we are twice, thank you!" We all said and bowed I then looked up and waved at them before finally going back stage

Well all flop down the coach here and sadness unnie gave us water each.

"Let's go it's your last schedule this week and pd-nim gave you 3 days break." We didn't replied but we are happy we can finally sleep

I checked the time and it's already 9am we are just heading home cause the unnie line buyed something so we wait for then at the van. We just slept though, and we also brought foods.

We arrived home I then went to our room and flop myself at my bed. Ahh finally my bed my soft bed.

"Yah! Take a bath before sleeping." Someone nagged me

"I don't want to." I whinned

"Take a bath there's so many dirt outside tzuyu." She said so I don't have a choice

After taking a bath I flop my body again but someone interrupt me again.

"WHAT?! I'M TRYING TO SLEEP HERE." I shouted really loud that the whole dorm could wreck

"T-tzu I just w-want to tell you that j-jihyun is home and w-we need to eat." She stuttered I made her scared I guess but there's only one thing to do

"Come here unnie." I said softly she then walked slowly beside me

"Mianhe jihyo unnie." I said and hugged her I'm just tired that's why I shouted

"It's ok I know you're tired but you need to eat or I won't let you sleep." I then nodded my head

I went downstairs with her and I saw the others eating at the living room as usual we would eat together in here. I sat ay the edge of the couch and someone handed me a plate full of foods.

I took it and started eating I roamed my eyes and someone's missing.

"Where's jihyun?" I asked and they all looked at me

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