Cpt 32

485 19 4

No One's POV

"We're home!" Feels like de javu jiyeon went inside followed by a smirking jeonghoon they got suspicious but didn't say anything

"So what did you guys talk about?" Jiyeon said and sat again beside her sana unnie while jeonghoon sitting on the couch so basically jiyeon is more like leaning on jeonghoon's legs

"Nothing much. Well about your boyfriend." Nayeon said that made jiyeon nervous

"M-me a b-b-boyfriend?" She pointed at herself she wants to deny it though but she knows she can't

"You broke a promise but I will let you pass jiyeon we just need to know if this guy will take care of you." Mina said and sigh jiyeon's heart flutter hearing that from her mina unnie

"He's a great guy, taking care of me well. He also tease me everyday *looking somewhere day dreaming* He's the best always treating me outside when our class will cancel. He's my crush and I love him." They awed watching jiyeon smiling crazily but they smiled maybe indeed this man is a good guy and takes care of their sister well

"How long are you guys in a relationship?" Dahyun ask

"2 years." They all choke while drinking and some while eating

"WHAT?!" Shouted and this time jiyeon knows she fucked up

"2 years and you're just 16 years old. Who's this guy lemme smack his head and did he court you I swear if he didn't jiyeon he's dead." Chaeyoung said in a angry voice and the rest agreed jeonghoon gulp seeing his sister like that

"He did for a year actually if I say who is it you might be shock." Jiyeon laugh and flashback came through her head of what happened at the convenience store earlier


"What are you doing?" Jiyeon ask to jeonghoon who keeps adding chocolates in the basket

"Adding your favorites." He answered jiyeon smiled at him before holding his hand

He smile and continue picking up some snacks and chocolates for jiyeon. He knows it's her period day so she becomes really moody.

"I think this is enough already you might get overdose since you keep eating chocolates everyday." Jiyeon pouted looking at him she's being scolded now by her boyfriend

"Nope I'll reject your cuteness this time." Jeonghoon said and shook his head

"Why did you acted like you don't know me earlier and why did you let pub chase me." Jiyeon glared at him and he just laugh cause she's too cute

"I saw jeongyeon noona throwing the trash so I need to act cause she glance at your side." He explained

"But you should've atleast let me walk peacefully." She hit her chest lightly

"Sorry baby hmmm....." He kiss her forehead

(A/N: Tell me if this chapter makes you cringe ⊙_◎ cause I do)

"Accepted." She smiled showing her gummy smile and peck jeonghoon's lips

"Am I your first kiss?" Jeonghoon ask with a hint of jealousy so jiyeon play along

"No." He look at her sadly and she began laughing

"Just kidding bub you're my first in everything." She pinched his nose but they got cut off by a cough

"Kids if you flirt not here." The cashier said and jiyeon laugh before going to the counter to pay

"You should find someone sunny unnie." Jiyeon said while jeonghoon's beside her holding her waist

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