Cpt 33

483 22 0

(A/N: Early warning oh god this might be a little fluff I dunno(?) not good at it hehehe)

No One's POV

Morning came and jiyeon woke up cause she felt someone hugging her tightly she rub her eyes first before looking beside her she almost push jeonghoon but good thing she didn't.

Some might push who's beside them if waking up not expecting it but for jiyeon she's always calm and probably expected it already.

"So handsome~" She whispered and caressed his face he slowly open his eyes and they stare at each other

Not until jiyeon started leaning closer while looking at his pinkish lips he saw what she did so without a doubt he crash his lips into hers.

Slowly but surely he let her sit on his lap still connecting to the kiss she was out of breath and keep poking his shoulder but he won't budge.

"Yah *breaths* Ha...Ha..." She breathed out

"You're so naughty." She scolded even though we know it's another way round

"You leaned in I was tempted what should do then huh." He said softly she then hug him

He circled his hands on her waist they stayed like that for how many minutes.

"Are you hungry now?" He ask

"Not really I just ate your lips though." She joked and he imaginary choke

"She's so bold the f." He thought and something came up in his mind he planned to tease her

His hands slowly crept inside her shirt she still didn't feel it though but got shock when cold hands was in her stomach. She immediately pulled away with a blushing face.

"Enough do—" Got cut off by a lips

She couldn't do anything but to respond cause who wouldn't drown in a kiss right.

Just then....

"I'VE BEEN KNOCKING HERE SINCE EARLIER WAKE UP YOU SLEEPY HEADS!" Someone shouted at the front door they immediately stop their hot make out and look at the door still in each other's arm

"MYOUI JIYEON OPEN THIS DOOR." She recognize the voice it's her mina unnie

She get out of jeonghoon's arm and slowly opened the door she saw her unnie glaring at her so she just smile nervously.

"What did you do why the door is locked?" She ask raising her brows

"I don't know I didn't lock it though." Jiyeon shrugged

"I did noona hehehe." Jeonghoon said and scratch his non itchy nape

"Next time don't lock and don't make out early in the morning!" She said sternly

"How'd you know."

"Duh I heard kissing sounds, can't believe you're in a relationship before me." Mina said as she leave and go upstairs

Jiyeon took her towel and was about to go inside but was pulled by someone.

"Wae?" She ask as she face him

"It was cut off." He pouted she then slap his arm and blush

"Yah you've been spoiled too much it's enough for the day already. I need to take a shower now." She said

"Can I join?" He teasingly ask

"UNNIE!!" She shouted jeonghoon laugh and run for his life upstairs

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