Cpt 19

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Jihyo's POV

Sana ruffled my hair and I know I failed, momo where are you j-jebal.

The door burst out four people sweating while panting. They look around the dorm with terror in their eyes.

"W-where is she?" Jiyeon asked while shaking

"She's not here." Jeongyeon answered jiyeon immediately went to the basement which we didn't check

The maknaes followed her and we also did, she opened the door nervously and we went inside. The room is clean except the closet jiyeon's clothes are scatered around the bed.

"He's here.." Jiyeon mumbled and took momo's phone from the floor

"That damn head of throne. You dimwit." She cursed I was about to scold her but she burst out and lean on the bed while sitting at the floor

"T-take back my unnie." She cried

"She is not your unnie." A rough voice echoed through the whole room

"She is not b-but I promised my sana unnie to t-take care of them." Jiyeon said and stood up we all looked at sana and she's also confused as hell

"W-where did you bring her!" Jihyun shouted and look around the room we are near the door and she's near the bed

"It's time to take back the things from the original. She will be back here first, if you finish the the final mission I'll bring them back to you fully." The voice of a man said

"Then where is she I miss my momo unnie. Two fucking years you took her away from me." Jiyeon said arguing with the voice

Ok I am damned confused right now what's happening all of what jiyeon's saying what's happening!?

"She's here and I'll take my leave." The voice of the man was gone

We went to jiyeon and I want to ask her so many questions, what does she knows.

"Hey what's happening?" Sana asked and hug her

"You might not be my unnies but I love you all like how I love them." Jiyeon mumbled so many confusing words to us

We were all silent and no one talked just jiyeon's crying and nothing more. We heard a thud upstairs. Jiyeon immediately let go of sana's hug and went upstairs running.

"What's happening maknaes?" I asked them looking down

"We don't know. It's confusing for me too." Chaeyoung said and look away

"Let's discuss later we need to follow areum." Nayeon unnie said we looked at her confused

"Who's areum?" Jeongyeon asked

"What why who's that?" She asked back

"You just litterally said her name just now." Sana said

"I did? But I don't know who's that." She mumbled

"Let's go." Mina interrupted

Jiyeon's POV

That guy I hate him so much even though I treat him as my second father. I don't even know why he's doing this taking my unnies away from me for 2 years is so heart breaking.

Confusing as hell but you'll understand me if the truth was told everyone needs to know but not this time I miss her. I went upstairs faster I roamed around the living room.

As I keep on roaming around I gave up I didn't see her I cried while standing, I'm such a bad dongsaeng. If I didn't made that mistake if I didn't tried to enter that place they should be here.

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