Cpt 16

812 25 1

Jiae's POV

I came to jiyeon's school to watch her game I arrived early than I thought so I waited for her in the gate and I saw a van she went out with her sports bag.

"You waited for long?" She asked and approach me

"Nah..." I then hugged her I saw the van and her unnies are there

I know they felt uncomfortable around me when I was their trainee manager but I can't do anything that's what jiyeon told me to do. And I got shocked when they all smiled so I did too and let go of the hug.

"Let's go." She said and I cling to her arms

"Why you didn't came to the meeting?" She asked while we're walking

"I forgot..." I said and she glared at me

"I'll just text you the details later at night." She said and I nodded my head

We went to the lockers since this is her school I just followed her everywhere cause I might get lost.

"I'll just change my clothes wait here." She said and I stand next to the room where she went in

"Excuse me did you saw jiyeon?" Someone said and I looked at my right and saw four people talking to someone

"Yes she went to that room." The girl pointed and the four walked to me

I was nervous cause it's her friends I don't know what will they react if they know I'm jiyeon's childhood friend besides them.

"Oh you guys are here." Jiyeon said finally in her sports attire

"Yeah we came to watch the game." The other one said

"If I win I'll treat you four tomorrow. Now I have to go, let's go jiae." She said and dragged my hands

I look behind and saw one of her friend glaring at me I don't know them though so I don't know their names. I let my though aside and focus on jiyeon's game today.

"Sit here and watch." She said and she dragged me to their seat where other players are

"But I'm uncomfortable here." I said and she shook her head

"Calling up for the next player PARK JIYEON." The announcer said and she went to her place

(Beware every word here is toss or either tosses)

She toss the shuttle cock first and the opponent tosses it back. They keep tossing here there, and jiyeon jumped and toss the shuttle cock and it landed at the back of the opponent it's really fast.

"One point for Jiyeon!" The announcer said and all the student shouted

Jiyeon is the one tossing again so the opponent toss it back jiyeon scores again after tossing it really fast.

I think her opponent got angry cause she grip to hard in her racket. Minutes after the scores have a big gab jiyeon is 12 while the opponent is 8. Whatever the result is jiyeon must be safe and not injured.

Jiyeon's POV

This is hard she is the only opponent who does not play fair. It's a foul but the referee didn't saw it. But I need to calm down. I don't care if I win but this girl is making me...arghh.

We had a break for 5 mins so I went to jiae and she wiped my sweats. What a thoughtful friend.

"Don't play too hard." She said and I nodded my head then someone came

"Be safe." He said and I nodded my head I went back to the court and positioned myself I saw hyuka and jiae sitting together

Let's get this done. Since I still want to roam around with jiae.

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