Cpt 43

419 20 0

Author's POV

"Ready the chopper we'll be leaving in 30 mins even if they're still not here." The commander comand his people in front of the building

"Rogger that."


Jihyo woke up the earliest she rub her eyes and went outside her, sana, and mina's shared room while yawning. She look around finding the kitchen after arriving she drink some water but widened her eyes when she saw the time.


"W-what happened!?" Mina panickingly said

"Ouch my head unnie be careful." Sana bumped her head to the wall because of nayeon

"A fire where where!" Jeongyeon's ready to fight someone already

"We only have 27 mins to get ready what the we need to see jiyeon!" After that everyone scattered around finding some bathroom good thing there's two

"Nayeon unnie! It's been 10 mins get out of there!" Jeongyeon frustratingly bang the door

"Wait you ostrich!" Nayeon fired back

On the other hand mina and sana are arguing because of who'll be the one to wear that and this dress, is that even important?

"This is mine and this is yours!" Mina said to the older

"No no no! I'm the unnie here."

"I'm the youngest consider it!"

"You should follow unnie."


"You two shut up pick a dress or I'll leave you here." God jihyo pass by their room leaving the two girls shrugging and just grab random clothes


They arrived at the parking lot of the hospital building they all immediately went out manager unnie was about to say something but the girls already dash off and rode the elevator.

"Next time we'll leave you on the house nayeon unnie." Jihyo glared at her she just pouted

"I'm sorry ok." The older said

After hearing the ding they rush off to the basement where the stairs are heading to the roof top. Mina is the first one she really miss her sister now she opened the roof top door.

"They won't come get ready for take off." The commander said mina gasp and use all her strength to shout

"NO!" They all run to the chopper their hairs are blown by the air but they don't care

Maknae line and momo are also there at the side they're waiting since earlier they have faith that the other will come.

"PLEASE LET US SEE OUR SISTER!" Nayeon shouted because of the chopper

The commander raise his hand and the pilot turn off the engine. They opened the door and doctor kim went out the commander and his 2 people opened the big door. Slowly but surely they bring jiyeon down who's just sleeping on a bed with a dextrose.

Twice teared up after seeing her but was more sad because of their sisters condition she looks pale like a cloud more whiter than the cloud her small body became more small but she's still the beautiful jiyeon.

Mina approach her sister and held her hands she dropped her bag and carefully hug jiyeon that cause her to wake up.

"J-jiyeon." Jiyeon flutter her eyes open and adjust to the sunlight

"Unnie? Where am I?" She questioned momo and the school meal club approach them

If there's a person who can explain and clam down jiyeon it's no other than momo. She knows what to do everytime jiyeon is like this.

"Yeon it's fine you're just going to your parents they said they missed you so much but after days you'll still go home don't worry ok." She peck her forehead jiyeon smiled weakly she look at her side and squint her eyes

"H-hi." She weakly said and tried to reach her hand to hold her mina unnie's face but she's too weak so mina held it instead

"You don't need to lie momo unnie I know I'm going to US." She look at commander Lee

"Tell fuego gang to take care of them until I'm finally better, every events they attend let 10 guards guard them from afar. If anything happens to them I'll come back here immediately and kill everyone." She said sternly and everyone gulp including the commander

"Now you guys." She look at them she tried to sit and everyone immediately help her

"Jiyeon, I'm so—" Jiyeon raised her hand and look away

"Stop. I'm tired hearing that everyday, that word makes me sick. Telling someone that she's sorry but keeps repeating the same mistake again and again. I'm tired understanding I can't even understand my self anymore, at least let me love my self I want to find someone who can love me too without further ado without hesitation." She look at them with red puffy eyes

"Can't you see that I'm tired, can I take a rest for a while and when I come back that's when you start to question me just let me rest first for the first heart break you gave to me."

"Jiyeon can't you stay?" Sana hugged her and sobbed she shook her head and peck her sana unnie's head

"I can't I need to recover, yes doctor can cure me here but I can't move on from the pain." She reasoned

"B-but jiyeon unnie will be sad if you're leaving." Nayeon said pouted while crying she's hinding her sobs that's why

"It'll be more sadder if I'm here. We just hurt each other all the time so it's better this way, *laughs* come on it's not like I'm dying. Besides next week you'll go back to the other world it's just the right timing." They all shook their heads

"No jiyeon no! We never saw you for almost 4 years and now everyone's leaving I can't accept this. THRONE talk to me where are you!!" Jeongyeon shouted and roam her eyes around jiyeon look at them with sadness she can't calm her unnies down because of her condition

"Miss, mrs. and mr. myoui are already telling you to leave you can't stay for another 30 minutes it's bad for your health."

Jiyeon nodded her head and signaled doctor kim to take her away. Before the can push the bed mina grabbed the bed tightly with all her strength and shook her head aggressively.

"You don't want me here, then I'll leave."

"N-no please don't..."

"T-take care of my unnie p-please. I'll be back but in the right time."

"No p-please no, I-i'll do good please *sobs* j-just don't take her away I can't, I lived with my sister since she was young I can't let her go please *sobs*" Mina break down and crouch on the floor wiping her tears

"I'm sorry." Jiyeon whispered before they took her to the chopper again

"JIYEON! NO PLEASE I NEED MY SISTER. T-take her back I can't live without her." They all cried and cried maknae line and momo can't do anything but comfort them

The chopper is ready to take off already and by the time the wind blows their hair it dried their tears but it never stop flowing.

"Momo please tell them to go back!" Sana ranged and shake momo's shoulder momo just hug her and she cried on her shoulders

"It was her fate our fate I'm sorry but I can't do anything jiyeon also agreed with this decision let's just hope for her fast recovery." Momo said still hugging the sobbing sana while the maknae line comfort the others

Now that she left what will be the future.....

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