Cpt 18

683 23 1

(Beware full of romance with confusion I feel like writing it because of a song I listened to.)

Jiyeon's POV

We are already here in the headquarters everybody's here so we immediately start the training so we can go home early. I told the SMC unnies to not work hard on the training cause they are still tired.

I'm just walking around watching them I duck down when minju and chaewon unnie went to me with gravity hoverboard. They are using light swords also one of our creation. Yeah grive gang create some sword inventions but we also creat our own weapons just for us in this gang.

"Hey hey be careful." I pointed at rocky and jin oppa who's almost bumped to a wall while riding the hoverboard

"You see, hold it like this not this." I teach yuna unnie when I passed by and she smiled at me

I took some gravity shoes and a sword but not the long sword. I don't want to hurt the people in here. As I was practicing someone bump my sword with his sword I look at him and smirk.

"Oh you want a duel." I said and he smiled maybe you know who is it

"Game on." He said he was also wearing gravity shoes and also a sword but not that long like mine

He attacked me and I prevented it by my sword, all I can hear is our sword colliding together. He cornered me in the wall and he stab the wall with his sword.

I gulp when he move forward slowly while smirking. I look around and the others are still practicing I think no one notice us.

"W-what are you d-doing.." I stuttered who wouldn't be when he's face is near my face

He did not answer and lean to my neck I widened my eyes and I am now embarrassed the others are now looking at us I pouted when I looked at dahyun unnie. She looks shock I pretended to cry and the others just laugh at me except SMC unnies.

"You're it." He whispered huskily in my neck my breath hitched

"J-jebal the unnies a-are looking at us. They might think you're crazy!" I said to him whisper but his still leaning on my neck

Just then he sat down and I sigh in relief there's a bench near the wall I put my sword at the bench and I also took his sword from the wall. As I was putting it down I got shocked when someone pulled my waist.

I felt my shirt got wet in my stomach. Is he crying?!

"Hey are you crying?" I asked him but he keep on hugging me

I caressed his soft hair I hugged his neck while still standing up. I didn't know he can cry just kidding of course men can also cry.

"What's the matter you know you can always tell it to me." I said and he look up my heart ache when I saw his tears

"My crush won't notice my feelings." He said and I was stunned but laugh after

I keep laughing I wipe the tears near my eyes. Omg he's crying because of that what a lame reason geez this man is full of surprises.

"Jiyeon what are you laughing at." Chaeyoung unnie said I look back but still hugging this guy

Chaeyoung unnie is drawing on her sketch pad the others are already sitting comfortably while looking at us.

"He said he's crush won't notice his feelings." I said while laughing and some of them too laugh

"Because his crush is so dense." kookie oppa said

"Wait—why are you looking at us I thought you are practicing." I said and raised my brows  I then look back at hyuka he keeps sniffing my shirt what's his problem

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