Cpt 2

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Mina's POV

We already finished our schedule which is all day practicing. Me and the maknae line are just here in the living room watching tv. While the other unnies are cooking.

I'm the one who can cook in twice but they have momo who can cook too. I'll just pray that no one can burn the kitchen and our whole dorm.

"Unnies do you think nayeon unnie and sana unnie won't burn the kitchen?" Chae ask while looking at me and dahyun like a kid asking for candy

"Jihyo unnie is there chaeng-ah so no need to worry about." Dahyun answered her

"I hope so too chaeng I don't want to live in the streets." Tzuyu savagely said that made us laugh

"Why are you so mean tzu." Chaeng said laughing

"Just stating a fact." She then averted her gaze at the tv again same to us

Hours past I'm getting bored so I check the clock and I saw the time it's 7 pm already and jiyeon is still not here. Am I the only one noticed it?

"Girls why jiyeon is still not here?" The three looked at me before wandering their eyes in the whole dorm and looked at me again

"Maybe she buy something?" Dahyun said more like asking

"Wait maybe the unnies know where she is." I said and go to the kitchen finding them laughing while flour in their heads

"Ehem.." I break their moment

"Oh mina-yah do you want to join?" Sana asked me

"No thanks I just want to ask something." I said

"What is it?" Jihyo unnie asked

"Do you know where jiyeon is? It's already 7pm and she's still not home." I said

"Why why where is she?" Jihyo said worrying

Ghad! That's why I'm asking them where is she and they will ask me back.

"I don't know."

"Girls faster we'll find jiyeon." Nayeon unnie instructed

They cleaned the whole kitchen and cooked the foods faster after that they changed their clothes I also informed the maknae line that we'll find jiyeon.

"Girls stay here incase jiyeon will be back." Jihyo unnie instructed them


We got out of the dorm and used our van nayeon unnie drove while jeongyeon unnie is beside her. Me, jihyo and sana unnie are at the back. We keep roaming our eyes.

It's pretty dark in the road. After some time we can't see jiyeon so we got out of the car and roam around. Until we reach the forest. Don't tell me she is here.

Jiyeon's POV

After class me and my friends parted our way I go to the parking lot. I find my car and when I found it I was about to enter when someone pushed me aside.

Tsk can't she see the way it's too wide and she will just push me.

"Going somewhere?" I look up and found the person I hate in this school wearing mask again and sunglasses so I won't know her

"Yeah somewhere that there is no you." I mumbled I stand up properly and swept away the dust in my uniform

"What did you say?" She said and laugh

"Are you talking back to me now?!"

"Huh!" She then pushed me using her one hand in my shoulder

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