Cpt 27

526 29 1

Dahyun's POV

After going home everyone flop down the sofa some at the floor. If I knew it's tiring following jiyeon around the mall I shouldn't have come.

"Wahh! Jiyeon she's so hyper." Nayeon unnie said yawning maybe she's sleepy already

"You can say that again." Jeongyeon unnie said

"Wahh! Jiyeon she's so hyper." Momo unnie sat down and said those jeongyeon unnie glared at her and we all laughed

"What she said to say it again." She said shrugged she lay on the sofa again

Good thing momo unnie acts like herself in this world I think she feels comfortable now with us.

"When did she became close to that guy?" Mina asked no one

"Dunno you ask her unnie. I was shocked too the first time I saw kai with jiyeon." Tzuyu blurted out me and chaeyoung look at her

Gosh tzuyu really likes to spoil things, that's why the unnies always suspects us.

"Wait what? You saw them before together." Sana unnie said and they all look at her

Me and chaeng back away a little. You're on your own tzu we don't know how to help you this time.

"What pshh no way." She said and laughed awkwardly all the unnies move forward to her she looks uncomfortable by their looks

"Ok fine!"

"I visited jiyeon's school she have so many friends and also I saw kai that time when her badminton tournament was up she didn't know I was there." She explain well she's telling the truth but she met kai before that though in the head quarters

"We thought you're just going to visit someone?"

"She didn't know I was there and she'll be more nervous if all of us watch her she won't focus on her game." Tzuyu explain again and glad they understand

"I'm home! So tiring~" We heard the sound of the door alarm and jiyeon went in bags in her hands

"Why so many?" Jeongyeon unnie help her carry the bags

"Need it for the ball." She said and went to the kitchen

"I don't feel so good my stomach is aching I feel like throwing up." She went back after drinking water and stood up staring at nowhere

"You ok?" I ask

"Yeah I'm just feeling my stomach, it hurts." She went quiet and us too we are just watching her

"Are you really ok? Maybe you've been food poison again." Mina unnie stood up and went to her but she held her hand up

"No I'm still observing my stomach." She said momo unnie's holding her laughter same as sana unnie

Jeongyeon unnie went back in the living room after taking the bags to jiyeon's room.

"My phone?" She asked tzuyu handed her phone she's checking jiyeon's phone

No One's POV

Jiyeon take her phone from tzuyu she dialed someone immediately while holding her stomach.

"Meeting at the head quarters right now." She calmly said

"What? Why so sudden?" Xiumin asked he's the eldest in the gang so jiyeon will surely inform him first

"I can't take it anymore! I'm not dense I know she's following me around. This is our other mission leave Mr. Jung for a while. I suggest all gang should take him down. *sigh*"

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