Cpt 11

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Jeongyeon's POV

"Hey clean this mess right now!" I ordered her but she just stuck her tongue out that made me angry more

"Yah come back here!" I shouted when she went to the living room I sigh and look at the kitchen

She ate everything her favorite foods the foods she dislike everything and the mess she didn't cleaned it up.

"Let her be she is sick we've been taking care of her when she is sick and we know her attitude." Nayeon unnie came in the kitchen

"I know..." I can only sigh and pick up the trash nayeon unnie helped me too

After cleaning I went to my room and place my body at the bed I'm so tired every mess she made I will clean it up immediately. But I need to endure it for a week.

*Knock knock

"What." I tiredly said

"Can I come in?" She asked

"Yeah!" I shouted so she can hear I heard the door opening and closing I can't see her face I'm facing the left wall and I have a pillow under my chin

Then I felt the bed sink but I let it be I'm tired so I closed my eyes ready to sleep but someone hugged me from my back.

"Mianhe.." She said softly and I know who is it by her voice

"I'm sorry because of me you guys are tired even me I hate my attitude when I'm sick." I then faced her

"Nothing to worry about you basically lived with us for how many years, we took care of you and your sister. You are very precious child to us." I said and panicked when she began crying while holding her own hands

"I-im really sorry, I'm also tired of being hyper today but my body isn't. I also want to stop messing around the house." I hugged her so she would feel better

"We know jiyeon you always say that when you are sick. Stop crying now." I patted her back and she's crying in my shoulders

"I have an idea, let's just eat at the living room." She then wiped her tears and looked at me

"But I ate all of the food." I laughed at her when she pouted I then pinched her cheeks

"We'll buy food." She then happily stood up and held my hand

We went out the room, and others are there sitting at the couch watching tv. I wonder if my favorite drama is up.

"Jeong your drama is here!" Sana shouted

"Oh wait I'll order some food first." I said and went to the kitchen and used the telephone to call some restaurants

"Hello, I would like to order 2 portion of jajangmyeon,  large sweet and sour pork, also samyeopsal." (idk the spellings)

"Yes sure miss, anything else? We also have a fried rice freebie." The women said on the other line

"Ahh really? That's all ma'am the address is XXXX st." I said to her

"Thank you, your order we'll arrive after 30 mins."

"Ok thank you." I ended the call and went back to the living room they are still watching tv my favorite drama

"Is she going to die?" Sana said while watching the lead actress

"I don't know maybe her boyfriend will save her." Nayeon unnie

"Grr...that guy why does he keep stalking her he's so creepy." Chae said irritatedly

"Well her boyfriend will save her or brother."

They keep talking and minutes after someone rang the door bell.

*Ding dong

"I'll get it." I said I took some money and opened the door

"Here's your food ma'am enjoy." The guy said I gave him the money and bowed to him before closing the door

I went to the living room and placed the foods at the floor they all gather up and push the minnie table at the side. The drama is done so we decided to watch netflix.

"Here jiyeon eat." Mina handed jiyeon a plate with her favorite food she happily took it and eat fastly

"Slow down you might choke."

"It's better to choke than to be hungry." She said while still munching het food

"She really likes to eat." Tzuyu whispered cause jiyeon's at the couch and we are in the floor she's watching so her attention is not to us

"Oh right she ate all the food I need to go shopping." Jihyo said sadly and pouted

"Eww unnie yuck.." We turned our head to jiyeon and laughed jihyo then glared at her

"Yah! Be grateful I will buy foods later." Jihyo said pretending to be angry

"Nyeh nyeh..I didn't even asked for it." We immediately laughed because of her savageness even though she whispered it we still heard it

"This is why I hate it when jiyeon is sick." Sana groaned

"Yeah, she is so savage." Momo agreed

"And if her and tzuyu savaging people together ughh..." Nayeon unnie said and we all chuckled

"Be grateful I'm not savage right now." Tzuyu said and snickered

"You're already starting." Nayeon unnie glared at her

"Yeah already thinking of strangling you in my mind." Tzuyu calmly said while eating meanwhile nayeon unnie is shocked and we laughed at her reaction

"I want food. More food!" Jiyeon said and mina gave a new plate

"Kamsa!" She said and smile

"Mina why your sister is a food maniac and you are not?" I asked

"I dunno she really likes food maybe she got it from mom." Mina said and chuckled

"She's a pig like momo." I said and laughed momo then pouted

"Aww cute." Jiyeon said and momo smiled

"Yah! Why she's cute and not me." Jihyo shouted

"Cause she's a peach and you're a train." She said plainly jihyo then just sigh and we laughed at her

"It's ok ji, she's sick." Momo said

"Good thing we are not like her when we are sick."

After eating we cleaned up the living room the others throwed the trash outside and jiyeon is just at the edge of the couch.

Maknae line wash the dishes the middle line cleaned the living room with a wet towel we use in the kitchen. While us the unnie line taking some pillows and blankets cause we will sleep here altogether.

When we came back nayeon unnie immediately went to jiyeon while the other six girls are at the kitchen.

"Hey you ok?" Nayeon unnie asked her

"I'm f-fine." She stuttered

"Are you cold jihyun?" Momo asked and stood up turning off the a/c

"B-blanket p-please." She said lowly so I went to our room and get our blanket I don't want jihyun to wait for me so I just took a blanket here

I give the blanket to her and place it properly then the other girls went to us with snacks we are going to watch some movies it's just 9 pm.

"Is she ok?" Jihyo asked while looking at jihyun same as the others

"She's freezing cold." I answered then they all gather up around her

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