Cpt 22

628 19 0

*Flashback (3 months ago)

No One's POV

Night time reos gang is already talking to the man that they planned to investigate. A group of teenagers are waiting outside. They are disguising so people won't notice them, they are wearing a mask that just cover their eyes each till the half point of their nose.

"Ya sure he's here?" A girl asked wearing a color cyan mask with her black armor outfit that has also cyan outlines

"He's here with his body guards." Another girl answered with the same outfit as them but different outline colors

"But he has tons." A guy beside her said he look at her before using her binocular

"Then let's take positions." The girl said and touch the botton of her ear piece

"Hydra team, search the whole area just be cautious and if someone attacks you make it quiet."

"Brown league, watch from above here and use your snipers if ever you need to." She said and the brown league team look at her and nodded they are in the same area which is at the top but far away

"CIA team, stay in the two vans and monitor our every move. Tell us if there are upcoming enemy."

"Counter trick, go to the abandoned building that's where we held the plan D."

"Stallion team, assist the guest safely when the attack starts make sure they are safe."

"Now the last team. Trizopea, you guys will be our back up if we can't handle the enemy inside stay here outside and wait for CIA's instructions."

It was all well planned, they just need the ambush to be successful and hope to get the man alive.

"6 teams!" She said through the ear piece


"Roger that!"

"Let's start this party." She said lowly and smirked

She went down from the top followed by the three girls and one guys who's with her earlier. When they approach the entrance door they saw two body guards  when the guards saw them they immediately attack. And jiyeon attack the one guard using her hands to the guard's neck leaving him unconscious.

"Everything's clear?" She asked using her ear piece

"Yes except the back place of the hall. There are so many guards the hydra team can't handle it themselves." Xiumin said from the ear piece

"We'll deal with that later. Is it safe to ambush already?" Jiyeon asked the CIA team

"Yes." Satisfied with the answer jiyeon immediately kicked the door very hard that it flew away and shocked all of the people inside

"Stallion team." She called and a group of people assisted some guests who are now panicking

"I just want one person. Kim jung-in where are you." Jiyeon said and smiled crazily and it frightend them except of her gang

"Tell me where are the rest of the kids." She wander around the place with slow steps

"Where are you? *whistle*" Jackson said also wandering around

"Die die die die die die die....." Tzuyu muttered quietly with a gun she's holding on her shoulders

"Show up or not..." Jiyeon said impatiently

"I'm getting impatient here. Show up!" She shouted and pull the trigger of the gun upward

Meanwhile a man and two body guards are trying to escape the hall but jiyeon noticed it and screamed.

I'm alone again (TWICExReader)Where stories live. Discover now