Cpt 29

501 26 1

No One's POV

"Feugo gang we encountered numerous fight but this one is not a fight. Brace yourself I don't want anyone to be injured."

"We'll stay together." Hyunjin said with determination in his eyes holding his gun tightly

"We are one." Kris said and step out the van along with the other exo members except baekhyun, suho and kai

"Protect each other you kept your promise to protect each other. No regrets, this is not a job you placed your promise that you'll do this to protect people the time you step inside my headquarters." As jiyeon said those everybody step outside with fire in their eyes ready for a war

As they went to their assigned position they all loaded their guns and prepared emergency swords and knife. Not wearing any gravity shoes hoping this war will be successful.

"Team 5 back up near the forest shoot if there's an enemy don't hesitate but you know also base on your instincts."

They have different team arrangements this time, for the teams to be more balance with the members. Team 5 proceed at the back of the house.

"I'll be alone going in."

"Jiyeon?! No you can't." Chaeyeon said in the ear piece

"She's right please come with some teams." Her dahyun unnie said but she's so determined to go alone

"No buts I have to go alone. She's my friend." They stayed quiet they know they can't stop jiyeon now

Some of the teams are using snipper back up for jiyeon. Some also hide in the bush for upcoming enemies. As jiyeon open the door it creaked making a sound. She raise her gun to her chin.

"Let's end this now. Eunsoo unnie!" She shouted that echoed around the abandoned house also heard by her gang

Just then she heard claps, she became alerted and pointed her gun anywhere.

"My my my, you're here." Eunsoo showed up in the light there's a chair in front she sat there while exchanging looks with jiyeon

"Stop please stop what you are doing." Jiyeon said and look away she can't bare to see her bestfriend betraying her

"Then give me something I want." Jiyeon look at her waiting

"Something precious to you."

"Something like her."

After eunsoo said those a light turn on and jiyeon saw her, she can't think straight her mind became blank after seeing her.

"What you say jiyeon." Eunsoo said with a monotone voice

"No! Let her go!" She shouted and eunsoo laughed

"You took away everything from me jiyeon, the day you befriend me was also the day I hated you!" Eunsoo became more mad and pointed at jiyeon

"I never took anything from you." She calmly said

"You did! Because of you my parents doesn't love me anymore they always say your name. My sister always ignore me and compliment you for being a good kid." Eunsoo broke in tears she's really hurt deep down in her heart

Nothing more hurts than your family not appreciating your efforts just to make them proud instead they compliment other kids who's not even their blood related.

"I never had my own room! My parents always invade my privacy cause they want me to study study study to be good as you in academics. I'm trying hard jiyeon to the point I tried to kill myself you know that."

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