Cpt 5

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Jeongyeon's POV

"Guys I think you should nudge mina right now we need to go." I said and checked the time in my cellphone

"Uh yeah, she's been like that since earlier she didn't even noticed our presence." Sana said and stand up going to mina

She shook mina's shoulders but still she's spacing out sana tried to poke her head and no attempt. Now she's getting frustrated so we laughed at her she looked back and glared at us. What she did made us shock she slapped mina.

"Yah why would you do that." Nayeon unnie scolded her

"She won't budge meh she won't care anyway." She smugly said and sat down again in the couch

"That hurts but it's ok." Mina said and smile

"Well we need to go we must bid our last goodbye." Jihyo said disgustingly we laughed because of her face

"Let's go so we can go home immediately." Tzuyu said and stood up

This past few days maknae line would always go out not at night though I mean when we don't have schedule they would always go out in the morning and come back in the afternoon. They are being cold now but not to us they are showing poker face even dahyun who's the most hyped in the maknae line.

I never seen them like this before infront of cameras they act hyper and always smile but when it's not recording their faces are back to it's poker face again tskk.


"Unnie be careful." Mina said and helped nayeon unnie stand up she run so she stumbled her fault

"What a grandma.." Jihyo whispered but we still heard it so we all laugh except nayeon unnie

"Yah!" She chased jihyo until they reach the van and us we keep laughing

When nayeon unnie got jihyo unnie she held her ears and pinched it.

"Awww aww.." She said

"That's for disrespecting your unnie.." Nayeon unnie said and get inside the van

"So mean grandma.."

"I heard you!" Shouted inside the van

"Nyeh nyeh..."

They are like cats and dogs I shook my head same as the others while looking at the two.

"Yah come here!" Nayeon unnie shouted while jihyo get inside the van we followed to

Nayeon unnie, jihyo and sana are at the third row. Me, momo ang mina second row and the maknae line in the first row. Sadness unnie is driving while pinky oppa is in the shotgun seat.

Nayeon's POV

Now I feel bad now jihyo is so quiet since earlier she sat beside me.

"Pstt...mind to share something?" I asked and nudge her side she then looked at me and gave me a small smile

"Or maybe not.." I wisphered enough for me to hear it

I just look infront and I saw everybody's sleeping well it's a long way our rest house was like 1-2 hours away from seoul. Then I here sobs so I looked to my right and sana's sleeping while her head on the window. I look at my left and I saw jihyo head low.

"Hey what's the prob?" I asked and held her shoulders

"I-i miss her..." She sobbed more and I made her look at me and it breaks my heart her face are full of tears

"We know everybody miss her but we should be strong for her." I then hugged her

"Unnie I'm sleepy.." She said cutely

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