Chapter 6 - Centuries

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I wake up and remember yeasterday's events, I get up and get dressed for the day, A Fall Out Boy tee and some jeans, the usual. I eat breakfast and i get a text from Vikk saying to come over whenever. I brush my hair and grab my stuff. I'm getting a car today with Tobi I grab my camera as well because I have to do some work still.

I leave the appartment and walk over to the Sidemen house. When I get in, I have a key, I see Vikk sitting on the sofa. I walk over and sit down, "Hey, you wanted to explain?" I say looking at him. "yeah, want something to drink?" he says smiling weakly. I shake my head "No, i'm good." I say and he starts explaining.

Bold - Jade's Thoughts

Italic - Vikk's Story

I was sitting at the table at the new diner, to eat lunch. I've ordered and Zoe walks in she sees me and starts talking to me "Hi Vikk, how are you?' she asks. I smile and say "I'm good." she sits down next to me and we keep a friendly conversation going. You walk in and my food comes, Zoe eats a few french fries and talks to me.

Anything to stay next to him probably.

We continue to chat and Zoe notices you as you photograph the dining area, probably catching us in it. I finish eating and wait for the check, we talk and the check arrives I pay and leave a tip. Your heading for the door and Zoe sees you again, she pounces on me and kisses me, yousee and leave. I push her off of me probably saying something like "I have a girlfriend" or "We broke up"

Of corse, she "Pounces" on him, he's probably lying

I leave and drive back to the house and tell JJ, Simon, and Josh. Before they can say anything you walk into the house and well, you know what happens.

He finishes and says "Jade, I love you please don't leave me." I shake my head and say "I need to think." a million thoughts are running around my head. Vikk smiles and says "Thanks for letting me explain" I smile back and call up the stairs "Tobi, you coming?' i turn back to Vikk and say "he's taking me out to buy a car."

Vikk nods and Tobi runs down with a jacket and grabs his keys. We get in the car and I plug in my phone, putting on Fall Out Boy. Centuries comes on and I sing along.

Du du du du-du du du
Du du du du du-du du du

Some legends are told
Some turn to dust or to gold
But you will remember me
Remember me for centuries
And just one mistake
Is all it will take.
We'll go down in history
Remember me for centuries
Hey, hey, hey
Remember me for centuries

Mummified my teenage dreams
No, it's nothing wrong with me
The kids are all wrong,
The story's all off
Heavy metal broke my heart

Come on, come on and let me in
The bruises on your thighs like my fingerprints
And this is supposed to match
The darkness that you felt
I never meant for you to fix yourself


And I can't stop 'til the whole world knows my name
'Cause I was only born inside my dreams
Until you die for me, as long as there is a light, my shadow's over you
'Cause I am the opposite of amnesia
And you're a cherry blossom
You're about to bloom
You look so pretty, but you're gone so soon


We've been here forever
And here's the frozen proof
I could scream forever
We are the poisoned youth


We'll go down in history
Remember me for centuries

We pull into the car park and buy me a car. I drive back to my appartment and spend the rest of the day photographing.

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