Chapter 19 - Lia

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I groan and roll over out of bed, remembering yesterday, I smile and get up. I change into a black crop top that says 'SUP' on it that I'm 'borrowing' from Dylan along with a pair of Hunter's black jeans. I pull on some old converse because I need to clean all of my Vans (don't ask, I don't wear dirty shoes). I walk out into the living room area and shake Dylan awake "What" she says turning over, "We need to find you an apartment or I need to move with you" she opens her eyes and sits up slowly.

"I can't afford my own apartment but if I found one with two bedrooms would you move in with me?" she asks. I nod and she smiles tiredly "I'll start looking" she says then lays down again and falls asleep again. I go into the kitchen and start heating up and buttering a pan. I mix the pancake mix and put on some All Time Low in my headphones. I don't hear the front door open and as I pour the batter into the pan I nearly miss the pan because two arms wrap around my waist.

The first pancake is poured into the pan and I turn my head and say "Hello" taking off my headphones. "Are there enough pancakes for four?" Vikk asks. I look into the living room area to see Simon trying to wake up Dylan. I roll my eyes "Yes there's enough" he smiles and kisses my cheek. I finish making the pancakes and Vikk helps Simon get Dylan up.

We all sit at the counter and eat my delicious pancakes "So, I am probably moving soon" I say and Vikk nearly chokes on his pancakes. "Don't worry I'm still going to be in this area but Dylan can't afford her own apartment so we're going to share the rent on a 2 bedroom" I say laughing. He drinks a cup of water and says "Good, I don't want to go through what we did before" I nod Simon takes a sip of water and says "pass the syrup" I roll my eyes and hand it to him.


I'm sitting on the couch, cuddling with Vikk and Dylan and Simon are doing something. I get a text from Braydon 'My girlfriend, Lia, is going to come visit she wants to meet you she arrives in 3 days' I smile it and Vikk looks over my shoulder. "Who's Braydon?" I smile "My friend I met in the park, his girlfriend lives in New York and they can't afford to move her here" he nods.

I reply to Braydon's text 'I want to meet her, I'm in' We watch an episode of American Idol cuz I'm American and I watch this stuff!


Dylan and Simon walk in and say "We're hungry" in whiny voices. I roll my eyes "let's go get lunch then" I stand up and pull Vikk up with me. Dylan and Simon walk out the front door and I grab my phone and wallet. "You won't be needing that" Vikk says pointing at my wallet, I roll my eyes "Yes I do" I say and close the front door behind me.

We drive to a cafe in Vikk's car (Vikkscar123) . We sit at a table, me and Vikk on one side and Simon and Dylan on the other. Vikk puts his arm over my shoulder and I smile leaning my head on his shoulder. Dylan looks at us longingly as we look at our menus, we decide to share the club sandwich. Simon and Dylan order then us and we all get drinks, I got a sprite because I refuse to drink Coke.


Vikk, Simon and Dylan go to the house but I decide to go to the park. I walk into the park and I automatically recognize a song being played it was Let Love Bleed Red. I smile but he finishes the song before I can sing. I break a twig with my shoe and he looks up and smiles. I sit next to him and say "So, Lia is coming but you guys still afford to move her and an apartment?" he nods.

I smile and hand him a 20 "let's start saving" I say. He looks at the 20 dollar bill in his hand then at me "What?" he says I smile "find a place to store and I'll help you save up to move her here and for a larger apartment, I'll help more when I move" he nods then a his eyes light up "How big is your current apartment?" I think about it "one bedroom, one bath, a spare room which I use as an office, and a connected living and kitchen area, I'm moving with my friend Dylan" he nods.

"How expensive is it?" he asks "<insert amount here>" he nods "if she moves here and gets a job we could afford that" I smile "Then let's start saving, I'm moving in the next month or so" he hugs me and I smile "Thanks" he says.



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<3 DarkStar

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