Chapter 7 - Something's Gotta Give

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It's been 3 days since I got my car, 3 days since I've talked to any of the Sidemen. I get a alert from skype as I'm staring at my blank wall. HUNTERHUNTZ it says, i pick up and my friend Hunter shows up on the screen. I smile and say "Hey Hunt, haven't talked to you for a while, whats up?'

She smiles and says "Oh, nothing, just planning to move to England, London to be specific" My eyes widen and I say "OMG, when?". She smiles and says "next week, can you fly over to help me pack?". I nod, we talk about it and it's settled Im flying out in 3 days. I grab my car keys and a jacket, I have to face them eventualy.

I arrive at the house and knock on the door. Simon awnseres and says "Oh, what happened are you ok?" i smile and say "Yeah, can I come in?" he lets me in and VIkk and Josh are on the couch. I walk over and sit on a chair. "Hey, have you thought about it?" Vikk asks. I shake my head "I'm going to New York".

Before I can finish explaining Josh says "What, no, don't leave us" I smile and laugh "Idiot, my friend Hunter is moving, i'm helping her pack." Vikk just shakes his head.


I get off the plane and all I have is my carry on, I walk out and get tackled by Hunter. I smile and say "Hey Hunt, you ready our flight back is in 4 days" we pack up her stuff and mail it to my appartment. Then we head back to England.


I pull up in the Sidemen driveway and Hunter looks nervous. I get out and practicaly drag her to the door. I open it with my key and we walk into the livingroom, Vikk and Josh are sitting there. Vikk stands up and before I can say anything I am dragged upstairs. I yell down "Josh, thats my friend Hunter, give her a nice welcome."

We go into Vikk's room and he turns to me "Jade, I love you, I can't stand the silence" I smile and kiss him. "I had time to think, in New york, I spent some time in centeral park" he smiles and hugs me. we walk back down and Hunter is sitting on the couch with a Pepsi talking to Josh. I smile and say "Hunt, i see you have allready met Josh but this is my boyfriend Vikk" I give them both a look of I'll tell you later.

We spend the rest of the day hanging out, when we get to my appartment there are her boxes inside. We walk in and she turns to me "EXPLAIN" she says. I explain how it has been and she confesses that she likes Josh. We listen to music and I check youtube, All Time Low's new single came out I put it on speaker and it plays.

I woke up in a stranger's bed
With pins and needles in my head
And the clock ticking off the wall
Oh yeah oh yeah

I don't even know myself
I wish I could be someone else
But I don't have a clue at all
Oh yeah

I'm sinking
You're wading
I'm thinking something's gotta give

Wake me up
Say enough is enough
I'm dying to live
Something's gotta give
Pull me out
Of this sinking town
I'm dying to live
Something's gotta give

Maybe I'm a fucking waste
Filling up the empty space
I've been here way too long
Oh yeah oh yeah

Feeling like a nervous wreck
Living off my last paycheck
I'm a cliché in a song
And everybody's singing along

I'm sinking
You're wading
I'm thinking something's gotta give 

Wake me up
Say enough is enough
I'm dying to live
Something's gotta give
Pull me out
Of this sinking town
I'm been dying to live
Something's gotta give

Someone please come pull me out 
From the shadow of my doubt 
Wake me up
I'm falling 

Wake me up
Say enough is enough
I'm dying to live
Something's gotta give
Pull me out
Of this sinking town
I'm dying to live
Something's gotta give

I'm sinking
You're wading
I'm thinking something's gotta give

Pull me out 
Of this sinking town
I'm dying to live
Something's gotta give

By the end were both laughing. We go to bed, Hunter on the couch. Me in my bed.

I Know I said I wasn't updating but...

<3 DarkStar

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