Chapter 29 - A Beautiful Night

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I got home from a long, stressful photo shoot to find my apartment empty, as it had been for the past few days, except for a note on the counter. I sighed, set down my camera and looked at the note, it read 'Meet me by the hall we first met -V' I smile and shake my head grabbing my keys. I head to the Sidemen house and when I walked inside it was completely empty. I walked up the stairs and went to the strip of hallway between Josh in Vikk's door.

Another note was taped "Where did I ask you out?' it read I went into the kitchen and on the fridge was another note I smiled and grabbed it reading 'Where did I first kiss you' I head back out the door and drive to the park by my house. I park and on the exact park bench we shared our first kiss was another note 'Where was our first I love you exchanged' I smile and walk over to the fountain in the park.

Vikk was sitting on the fountain's edge holding a single red rose wearing dress pants , a white button up shirt and a blazer. I smile and walk over "What is this all for?" I ask. "Today is the exact day I met you 5 years ago when you were 18 and I was 19." he says, standing up. "What are we doing to celebrate then", I ask. "The same way I have celebrated it for the past 3 years" he says which confuses me.

He grabs my hand and we walk down a path "Every year on any day of a memory of us I come here wearing something nice and I walk to our secret spot, even when I was with Zoe." he says. We walk through a passage way of hedges and we show up in a small clearing in the forest that me and Vikk found when we first started dating.

I look up and I see a sky full of stars and when I look back down Vikk is looking nervous. He takes a deep breath and gets on one knee and takes a small velvet covered box out of his blazer pocket. My eyes widen and Vikk opens the box saying "Jade, you are the love of my life, I love you with all of my heart and I have never stopped and never will stop, will you be mine forever and do me the honer of being my wife"

A single tear of happiness slips from my eye. "Yes of corse!" I say. He slips the ring on my finger and stands up. I Immediately throw my arms around his neck and kiss him letting more tears of joy escape my eyes "I love you" I say to him between kisses. Rain starts falling lightly as we walk out of the clearing and when we get out all of our friends are standing around.

JJ, Tobi, Simon, Josh, Ethan, Harry, the two Cals, Lachlan, Mitch, Jerome, Preston, Rob, Braydon, Lia, Dylan, And Hunter were all clamping as we walked out. I smile at all of them and I'm very surprised to see the entire pack here. I let even more tears of joy fall from my eyes as hate rain starts falling heavier.

Kayla and Mickey call us over from three large cars which we all pile into. I was in one with Vikk and the rest of the pack. "Congrats" everyone said as we drove to the sidemen house "I was surprised all of you could come" Vikk says. I sigh happily laying my wet head on Vikk's shoulder.

<3 DarkStar

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