Chapter 26 - Waking Up

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I woke up sitting in a hospital chair next to Hunter's bed. It has been 3 days since the incident and I have only left her side to eat or us the bathroom. As soon as Josh was released he started to stay here as well. I look over to him with he crutches standing in the doorway "Any news?" I ask. He shakes his head, Hunter lay in her bed still, unmoving.

Her heart monitor speeds up slightly and her eyes flutter open "Where am I?" she asks. "Get a nurse!" I yell at Josh. A nurse comes in and I leave the room, calling everyone. When they let me back in the nurse pulls me aside "She has a slight memory loss from the past 2 months, it will come back eventually with memories" I nod. I walk over to her, Josh was currently talking to her.

I sit next to her, "How much do you remember up to?" I ask her. "Well I remember moving here and some drama between you and Vikk Not much after its kind of blurry" she says. I see Josh flinch and walk out, "well you and Josh started dating and on the night of the accident, you you..." I trail off unable to continue "you got engaged" I say. She looks at her hand and at the ring she was wearing.

Tears fill her eyes "I I don't remember, I can't even remember feeling anything towards Josh at all. " I nearly collapse, Josh what about him. "You'll remember eventually" I say weakly "You'll remember" I say. The rest of the sidemen walk in and I pull each one into the hall, telling them the news. When I tell Vikk I'm in tears "Where's Josh?" I ask. "In the waiting room" he says.

I head out to comfort Josh, he was sitting in a chair, his crutches next to him, rubbing his head. "Why couldn't we both have lost memory, I wouldn't have to feel this way" he mumbles. I sit next to him and rub his back "It's okay, don't say that, her memory will come back" I say. He looks at my with a tear stained face "What if she remembers but doesn't feel the same anymore?" he asks. "Huh?" he asks.

I stand up letting some tears fall "I'm here trying to comfort you Josh, I'm truly trying, but inside I'm broken too. I thought I lost two of my closest friends" I yell. "Well try waking to find out your Fiancé cant remember her feelings for you huh try that?" he yells back. The boys come out "I'm done, I'm a mess and all your doing is neglecting the comfort I'm giving you" I yell. I grab my jacket and walk out to my car.

I hear Vikk and Simon yelling at me from inside. I get in my car and drive home




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