Chapter 8 - Safe And Sound

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It has been a week since Hunter moved in, she's been crashing at my place. She has a temporary recording set up in my living room. Today was February 1st the day of the supper bowl, even though we live in England we are still watching the game. When I moved to New York Hunter got me into American Football, now I call Football soccer.

We are gathering our stuff I have a bag of chips, a six pack of beer, my Patriot Brady jersey and Hunter has pizza, a six pack of Pepsi, her acoustic guitar, and a Seahawk Wilson jersey, you can guess our teams. We get in my car and start arguing, like anyone would, well any American. "We won that game fair, Tom Brady had nothing to do with it neither did any of the other players." I say.

She is still not over the deflated balls. We arrive at the Sidemen arguing over stupid things, Josh opens the door and looks confused. We just push him aside and say "Gameday Boys!" Vikk and Simon walk downstairs and Josh walks over, me and Hunter put the drinks in the fridge and put on our jerseys. I put the chips on the table and turn on the pre game.

The boys are still confused, we smile and say "Super Bowl, big event in America, bigger TV the better!" they start arguing with us Simon whines "But I was gonna play Fifa!" we just shake our heads. After a while the boys leave and the game starts. First quarter is over fast and the score is 0-0. It hits commercial and I grab my first beer and Hunter her first Pepsi.

Vikk walks in and over to the fridge, he calls out "Who's beer is this?!" I yell "Mine, you can have one." he grabs one and comes out and sits next to me, commercial ends and second quarter begins, as each team makes 2 touchdowns It's all tied up at 14-14. Vikk is just sitting there confused as me and Hunter cheer. Halftime starts and Katy Perry performs, we mute the TV and Hunter gets out her guitar.

She starts playing, we planned because we both hate Katy Perry, I sing Safe and Sound. The Boys come in and enjoy.

I could lift you up

I could show you what you wanna see

And take you where you wanna be

You could be my luck

Even if the sky is falling down

I know that we'll be safe and sound

We're safe and sound

I could fill your cup

You know my river won't evaporate

This world we still appreciate

You could be my luck

Even in a hurricane of frowns

I know that we'll be safe and sound

Safe and sound

We're safe and sound

Safe and sound

We're safe and sound

Hold your ground

We're safe and sound

Safe and sound

I could show you love

In a tidal wave of mystery

You'll still be standing next to me

You could be my luck

Even if we're six feet underground

I know that we'll be safe and sound

We're safe and sound

Safe and sound

Safe and sound

Hold your ground

Safe and sound

I could lift you up

I could show you what you wanna see

And take you where you wanna be

You could be my luck

Even if the sky is falling down

I know that we'll be safe and sound

I could lift you up

I could show you what you wanna see

And take you where you wanna be

You could be my luck

Even if the sky is falling down

I know that we'll be safe and sound

We're safe and sound

We're safe and sound

We're safe and sound

We're safe and sound

Safe and sound

We're safe and sound

Safe and sound

We're safe and sound

Hold your ground

We're safe and sound

Safe and sound

We're safe and sound

We do a few more enjoying ourselves and then Halftimes over. The boys take seats and me and Hunter get more drinks. When the Seahawks score a field goal and its 14-17 I flip then they score another touchdown, Hunter is practically dancing, the boys are enjoying the commercials and I'm drinking my 3rd beer.

End of third quarter the score is 14-24 Seahawks, as 4th starts, JJ and Simon left, and it's just me Vikk, Josh and Hunter. Patriots score a touchdown and I'm freaking out. They score another and the score is 28-24 Patriots, we have a chance. The Seahawks pass by throwing and a rookie catches making it no way possible for the Seahawks to win.

I'm dancing with joy and Hunter is yelling at the TV. We watch the post game and eat our pizza, we shut off the TV and Hunter hands over her 100 pounds she owed me. Tom Brady wins the MVP of corse. Vikk and Josh start asking stupid questions. I snuggle up to Vikk and we talk until 10 my eyes start getting tired and I'm a bit drunk. I fall asleep in his arms.


Nerds 4 life when you get back I'm not sure if your ok with Hunter being a Seahawks fan but I made her one so DEALWITHIT!!!!!! Thank you so much for 230 reads, it means a lot to me

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