Chapter 13 - Not clean anymore

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I haven't moved from where I curled up on my couch since last night. I wake up with tuns of stiffness in all of my muscles. My apartment door opens and Hunter walks in, she sees me on the couch with puffy eyes and walks over. She brushes the hair out of my face I start moving I get up but I don't talk to her. I get up and go to my room I grab my towel and a new change of clothes.

Hunter comes in and says "Jade, do you want something to eat?" I don't answer and go into my bathroom, locking the door. I open my drawer and pull out my blade from when I cut, I was a few months clean but that was about to change. I started the shower and striped, I got in with the blade. As the hot water flowed down my body, I took it and cut into my stomach.

Cut #1: for life
Cut #2: for Vikk
Cut #3: for the anonymous picture sender
Cut #4: for love

Each one was pretty long and were each not as deep as I used to but they did cause pain. I wash the rest of my body and get out of the shower, I hide my blade and get dressed. I wrap my hair in a towel and walk out, I eat a nutria rain bar as Hunter tries to get me to talk. I snap "Hunter, can you please just leave me alone if ou want to know what happened ask Josh" I say sadly, finishing my food.

I stand and brush my hair out, u pull it into a messy bun, I grab my car keys my wallett and my phone. I leave with Hunter following, she drives tworads the Sidemen house, I drive twoards Brian's house. When I get there as I'm about to get out I get a call, I awnser it its from Simon. "Jade where are you?" he asks "why do you want to know?" I ask. "Hunter just came here saying that she found you curled up on the couch, Josh said you might be cutting"

I sigh "Just tell them I'm fine, I need to get away from you" I say and I hang up. I get out of the car and I go up to Brian's door. He opens it in jeans and a tee shirt, he looks at me probably looking like a train wreck. "Hey Jade whats up?" he asks looking worried. I sigh my breath hitching "V Vikk He b broke up with me s someone sent h Him a p picture" I say. He hugs me and I enjoy the warmth.

He lets me into his house, he lays me on the couch and sits next to me. I keep my tears but I'm a mess, he touches my arm causing me to look at him "He's crazy then, anyone is crazy to break up with a beautiful girl like you." he says. I faintly smile and say "Thank You but he was my everything before I moved we were very close." I say "When I moved back it broke my heart again, I may have tough New Yorker skin but truly I have been broken 1 times too many.

He hugs me and says "If Vikk can't see how perfect you are he doesn't deserve you." I smile and let my eyes close, falling asleep in Brian's arms.


OMG does Brian like her?

Vote Date Brian or date Vikk

<3 DarkStar

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