Chapter 5 - Playing God

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I am writing on my computer because my i pad died so if this is short i apolagize, i dont have as much privacy as i do on my i pad.

Okay, its been 2 weeks since me and Vikk got back together, but it's not as good as I thought it was. We aren't as close as we were back then, Vikk remembers the old me but as i have said before i've changed. He thinks I'm still into pop music when I'm more into pop - punk, he thinks im still a crop top, short shorts type of girl, when in reality, i normaly wear a band tee and jeans.

I'm not the same girl as i was, he doesn't seem to get that, for the past couple of weeks he's treeted me like my old, girly, flirty self. New York changed me, i learned that you get judged by everything, i changed my image but along with that i changed my personality. I enjoy spending time with Vikk and the boys but i'm getting behind on work.

i get up and get dressed in a Paramore tee and some jeans, braid my hair and get my stuff. i had three backed up assignments. One was to get a couple of pictures of a local diner so i head out on my skateboard and go to the diner. i get a pic of the outside then go inside and get some of the eating area, menue, chefs, and owners.

On my way out i pass by a couple sitting in one of the booths, well it looked like the boy was sitting there alone and the girl just came over. The girl was kissing him and then I recognize them, my heart broke. it was Zoe and Vikk. i stayed strong and walked out, I grabed my skateboard and headed for my next destanation, the Sidemen house. Josh or Simon was going to drive me to the interior city so i could work on some other stuff.

When I get there I see Vikk's car parked in the driveway. I walk in to see Vikk, JJ, Simon, and Josh in the living room. I ignore Vikk and say "Who is driving me out?" Vikk says "I will". I still ignore him and say "Josh, Simon, JJ?" Simon replys "I will" he gets up and runs upstairs to get some stuff. Vikk walks over and says "whats wrong?"

I glare at him, "WHats wrong? you can tell me whats wrong, did you not see me doing my job at the diner?' i yell. His eyes widen and he says "I I, She forced herself on me". I shake my head. Simon comes back down with a jacket and his car keys. I walk out the door and before Simon closes it I yell "We're through."

The car ride is silent and i pop in my ear buds playing Paramore.

I can't make my own decisions

Or make any with precision

Well, maybe you should tie me up

So I don't go where you don't want me

You say that I been changing

That I'm not just simply aging

Yeah, how could that be logical?

Just keep on cramming ideas down my throat

Oh, oh, oh, oh

You don't have to believe me

But the way I, way I see it

Next time you point a finger

I might have to bend it back

Or break it, break it off

Next time you point a finger

I'll point you to the mirror

If God's the game that you're playing

Well, we must get more acquainted

Because it has to be so lonely

To be the only one who's holy

It's just my humble opinion

But it's one that I believe in

You don't deserve a point of view

If the only thing you see is you

Oh, oh, oh, oh

You don't have to believe me

But the way I, way I see it

Next time you point a finger

I might have to bend it back

Or break it, break it off

Next time you point a finger

I'll point you to the mirror

This is the last second chance

(I'll point you to the mirror)

I'm half as good as it gets

(I'll point you to the mirror)

I'm on both sides of the fence

(I'll point you to the mirror)

Without a hint of regret

I'll hold you to it

I know you don't believe me

But the way I, way I see it

Next time you point a finger

I might have to bend it back

Or break it, break it off

Next time you point a finger

I'll point you to the mirror

I know you won't believe me

But the way I, way I see it

Next time you point a finger

I might have to bend it back

Or break it, break it off

Next time you point a finger

I'll point you to the mirror

the song finishes as we arive at the mall i tell Simon to pick me up here at 6. I walk around snapping pics when I stumble into Harry "Hey, What are you doing here?' he asks. I smile "JUst doing my job, wanna grab a bite to eat? im startving" i say. He smiles "sure, so am i" we walk over tothe food court and get Panda Express.

We're talking and eating and Harry gets a text he shows me it it reads

From: Vikkstar

Have you seen Jade? Simon won't tell me where she is?!?!?!

Harry asks "What happened?" i sigh, "I was at the diner for my job, and i'm leaving and i see Vikk kiissing Zoe" his eyes go wide and he says "I'm sorry, are you ok?" i smile and say "I've been holding up pretty well, you can tell Vikk i'm ok and with you but not wherte we are." handing him back his phone.

We hang out and finnish eating, Harry leaves and i go back to photographing. I get a text from Simon.

From: SIMON!!!!!!!

want me to pick you up early?

i reply

To: SIMON!!!!!!!

Sure pick me up at 4 in the same spot.

I check the time and it's 3:45 i go back to where he dropped me off and wait. He pulls up and i get in, he smiles and says "Are you ok?" I say "yeah, i got two out of the three done, can you drop me off at my apartment?" he nodds.

He drops me off at my appartment and I go inside and email my assignments in.there's a knock at my door and I open it to face Vikk. his face is red and splotchy like he had been crying. "What do you want?' i say. he replys "I wanted to explain". I shake my head and say "Vikk, i've had enough for one day, can you wait?"

He smiles weakly and says "Yes" I close the apartment door and go read some of my book.

The song was Playing God by Paramore

<3 DarkStar

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