Chapter 2 - Live & Let Go

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I look at Josh and shake my head, He stands up and goes to the kitchen, I follow. He opens the fridge and pulls out a coke and a Pepsi, tossing me the Pepsi I smile, "You still remember" I say. When I lived here, in London, I only drank Pepsi, the boys drank coke, they always had to buy some for me. He laughs and says "Yep, I always bought them, after you left, they were always there, at first, Vikk would drink them when he missed you."

I frown and say, "Is Zoe nice?" Opening my can and taking a swig. Zoe is Vikks new girlfriend, I for one didn't find a new boy. Josh frowns at my question "Well, she's all nice, flirty and all that jazz around Vikk but around us she is just rude." he awnsers opening his Coke and drinking it. I turn my head and say "Why don't you tell him" Josh looks shocked, I laugh and say "how did you expect me to react?".

He shrugs "I don't know, flip out, go tell Vikk" he says "Break down" he whispers. I shake my head "You are one of the few people who have seen me weak, New York has made me tough" I say. He smiles "the reason we don't tell Vikk is because" he sighs "She is exactly like you when she's around him, she even looks like you". I'm shocked and I stutter "I've changed, Josh, when I lived in New York, I got a tattoo, even my personality changed" .

His eyes widen and he says "I noticed, you aren't quiet as girly, different taste in music" he points at my shirt "You also are quieter. About the tattoo, can I see?" he asks I smile and pull up my shirt, turning around, at my waist, on my back there's a tattoo of a black sword, with a ribbon around it saying "I Am Strong, I Am Not Just A Person, I Am Unique, I Am Beautiful, I Am Not Alone" It spreads across to the sides of my waist.

I turn around and he says "Did you come up with that?" I smile and say "Yes, I got it last year". We smile and go back to the living room. Five minuets later a girl with blonde hair walks in with a huge takeout container, JJ smiles and says "Hey Lilly, this is Jade, Jade this is Lilly, my girl." he stands up and takes the food to the kitchen, soon Simon, Harry, Ethan, and Tobi all have a girlfriend here.

I look at Josh and he shakes his head, I roll my eyes, just like him, doesn't have a girl. Theres a knock on the door and I go get it, a girl with brown hair, about 2 inches taller than me, in girly clothes looking exactly like the old me walks in and says "Who are you?". I smile and say "I'm Jade" she scoffs and walks in then I see her transform into who I was she smiles and comes up behind Vikk and hugs him.

He turns around and smiles at her, he kisses her and I cough, closing the door walking into the kitchen. He breaks the kiss and says "Jade, this is my girlfriend Zoe" I smile and say "Hi". We hang out, I keep my eye on Zoe and see the similarities between us, but I have changed from when Vikk has last seen me. Zoe and Vikk walk into the living room after eating. I eat and walk out I overhear them "What is she doing here? She's your ex" Zoe says.

Vikk replies "She's our friend, Lilly, I love you, Josh has known her for 7 years now. She has a right here" she sighs "Fine" I wait then walk in to find them snuggling like we would. I sit and slowly everybody walks in, Josh says "Jade got a tattoo when she was in New York" I look down and Ethan says "Can we see?" I smile and stand up, turning around I pull up my shirt and wait I wait and Simon says "cool, did it hurt?" I turn around letting go of my shirt.

I sit and say "Yes, but it was worth it" I look at Vikk and he has a look of shock. The old me would have never gotten a tattoo. We hang out for the rest of the afternoon, I learn more about the 3 year gap I wasn't here and they learn about mine. Zoe says "When are you getting your own apartment?" I smile and say, "I was going to go apartment hunting with Josh and Harry tomorrow"

I go into the kitchen to get something to drink and Zoe comes in after me. I open my Pepsi and she says "I always wondered why they had Pepsi in their fridge" I smile and say "Josh said he just kept buying them after I left" she goes and grabs two cokes "Stay away from Vikk" she says I reply "don't worry, I will" she smiles and says "I know that Vikk only started dating me because I look like you"

She walks out and I follow. We talk a little bit more and Elizabeth, Harry's girl asks "What's your favorite song?" I smile and say "Live & Let go by All Time Low" after I say that Simon starts chanting "Sing it Sing it" and the others join in Zoe says "Who's All Time Low?" I reply "A Pop Rock band and fine I'll sing it. I see Zoe whisper something in Vikk's ear he replies and I look up the lyrics I start singing.

Rush of the past

I quietly crash and the tables turn

You're beautiful strange, defiantly brash

Be careful now

Kid you're a cut above

Always just a cut above the rest

If there's something left to be learned

Then my time is running

Why should I waste it all wasted on you?

I shouldn't be trusted to live and let go

When the last of my cities have burned

Then what's left in nothing

Why did i waste it all wasted on you?

I couldn't be trusted to live and let go

Fill in the blanks, pencil on paper


Throw away lines

Intentional but unbelievable

Kid you're a cut above

Always just a cut above the rest

If there's something left to be learned

Then my time is running

Why should I waste it all wasted on you?

I shouldn't be trusted to live and let go

When the last of my cities have burned

Then what's left in nothing

Why did I waste it all wasted on you?

I couldn't be trusted to live and let go

Shaken and tried

Fade and resign as the tables turn

Let's slip away the renegade life you've been dreaming of

Kid you're a cut above

Always just a cut above the rest

If there's something left to be learned

Then my time is running

Why should I waste it all wasted on you?

I shouldn't be trusted to live and let go

When the last of my cities have burned

Then what's left in nothing

Why did i waste it all wasted on you?

I couldn't be trusted to live and let go

They all smile and clap. I smile and we hang out until 7 then we all go out to dinner, later Harry and the girls leave for their apartments. The boys go record and I go to my room, I hear from next door a loud bang and Vikk yelling "God damn it I cant make the jump. I walk into his room and see him playing Minecraft. I walk over and say "You salty" he turns around and says "I'm recording with Lachlan and I can't make the jump"

I laugh and say shouldent Lachlan be the salty one?" he shakes his head laughing and I go to bed, listening to Don't Panic by All Time Low. Still in love with Vikk, can life get worse, seeing who you love with someone else, it kills you. I fall asleep to So Long Soilder.


do you like it, if you have any ideas put them in the comments I'll read them, and try to incorporate them.

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