Chapter 9 - Therapy

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For the past week I have been focusing on my job, Hunter has officially moved out of my apartment and into one in the same complex as mine. Me and Vikk are still dating but there's like a wall between us, I've changed and he barely knows anything about me anymore, but as one of his many subscribers I know a lot. Today I was planning on getting my latest assignment done and to go out to lunch with Hunter.

I get up from my bed at around 6am. If I'm getting this assignment done before lunch I have to hurry. I shower, and get dressed. An All Time Low tee with black ripped jeans. I grab a jacket, my phone, my wallet, and my keys. I'm jogging out to my car at 7 and I'm running late. I don't watch where I'm going and I ram into someone.

When I look at them I see that it's a girl but she just says "Watch where your going" and leaves before I can take in what she looks like. I go to my car and drive to the nearest Starbucks. (A/N I don't drink coffee) I get a black coffee to wake me up and a muffin for breakfast. I drive down to the down town area and head to the theater.

My assignment was to take pictures of the building and to go inside and get some too. If I had time I could ask to see a theater too. I head inside and start my photography, the people were aware that I was coming so I was ok. After many shots I ask to go to the upstairs, I go up and get a Birdseye photo of the place.

I shoot the inside of a theater and time flys by when I go outside for the outside pictures it's 10 and it's a 1 hour drive to where we're going to lunch. I take my time and get my photos, apparently it's getting shut down and this was the goodbye article in one of the local newspapers. I finish up and pack up my gear, which I now had a tripod and some lighting equipment if needed. I go back to my car and it's 11, lunch is at 12.

I rush and make it to lunch at 12:10, when I get there my hair is I'm a messy bun, I have my camera around my neck and I'm out of breath. I go to the table Hunter was at and sit down. She looks at me and says "About time where were you?" frowning. I take off my camera and pick up a menu "It took me a while and I got a bit of traffic, it's an hour drive".

We order and chat "How's it with you and Vikk" she asks I shrug and say "Well, it's kind of weird because he still sees me as the old me" I say honestly. She nods and says "Yeah, I could see how that could get awkward." I smile and say "How's it with you and Josh?" she blushes and says "he asked me out to dinner and said if you and Vikk wanted to come you could."

Our food comes and we eat I ask "do you want me there?". She smiles and says "yes I would be sooo nervous if you didn't, I woulden't be myself" I laugh and text Vikk. We finish eating and pay we leave and it's 1:30 I get a text from Vikk saying ok. I drive home and relax on the couch, I check YouTube and see that I have like 5 million videos to watch. I watch until 5 and I get a knock on the door.

I open it and see Hunter there, she walks in and I say "You can come in" closing the door. She turns around and says "what do I wear?" I shake my head "where is it?" I ask. She says "A little cafe with live entertainment down by Josh's" I say "What your wearing now" she looked shocked. She was wearing a black teeshirt and a yellow hoodie over it along with black jeans and yellow converse.

I smile and say "your going to a cafe, not a fancy restaurant" she laughs. We get ready, me redoing my hair into a high ponytail and Hunter flipping out. I just laugh, remembering me and Vikk's first date. We head outside to find Josh and Vikk in jeans and sidemen tee shirts. We drive to the cafe to find out tonight is karaoke night. We sit in a booth in the back, me next to Vikk And Hunter next to Josh.

We order and someone goes to the mic, "Hello people if you want to sing put your name and song on this paper" they say holding up a clipboard. Vikk and Hunter turn to me and say "sing please" I roll my eyes knowing I wasn't getting out of this one. I walk up and I'm the 3rd person I put Jade, Therapy by All Time Low.

I walk back and the other 2 people go the first being a duet of say something and the second of a girl singing still into you by Paramore. When it's my turn I go up and think about the lyrics which I had memorized. They meant so much to me, the song helped me through tough times in New York. I started singing, sitting on a stool in the middle of the stage with a microphone.

Therapy by All Time Low
My ship went down
In a sea of sound.
When I woke up alone I had everything:
A handful of moments I wished I could change
And a tongue like a nightmare that cut like a blade.
In a city of fools,
I was careful and cool,
But they tore me apart like a hurricane...
A handful of moments I wished I could change
But I was carried away.
Give me therapy.
I'm a walking travesty
But I'm smiling at everything.
You were never a friend to me
And you can keep all your misery.
My lungs gave out
As I faced the crowd.
I think that keeping this up could be dangerous.
I'm flesh and bone,
I'm a rolling stone
And the experts say I'm delirious.
Give me therapy.
I'm a walking travesty
But I'm smiling at everything.
You were never a friend to me
And you can take back your misery.
Arrogant girl,
Love yourself so no one has to.
They're better off without you.
(They're better off without you.)
Arrogant girl,
Cause a scene like you're supposed to.
They'll fall asleep without you.
You're lucky if your memory remains.
Give me therapy.
I'm a walking travesty
But I'm smiling at everything.
You were never a friend to me
And you can take back your misery.
I'm a walking travesty
But I'm smiling at everything.
You were never a friend to me
And you can choke on your misery.

I finish earning some applause. The rest of the night goes on and me and Hunter go home after dinner.


Sorry for the abrupt stop, I'm in a rush!

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