Chapter 10 - My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark

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Chapter 10! Yay! I will be writing as long as I can before and after school to make this special! (even though I didn't do that for my other one)

For the past 3 of weeks I have been going to that cafe on the karaoke Friday with Vikk, Hunter and Josh. Me and Vikk are slowly growing closer again, he knows what I like again and I'm opening up. Hunter and Josh are basically dating but Josh hasn't asked her out. It's Tuesday morning and I have a waiting assignment.

I get up and get dressed in something nice, a white shirt with a nice blazer over it with some black jeans I borrowed from Hunter, all of mine have at least one hole. I brush out my hair and stick it in a neat bun and put on some black converse. I learned that if i was doing an assignment it was a good idea to not wear jeans and a band tee. I grab my camera, phone and keys but I get an email from work right before I leave.

I grab the laptop and put it in it's case and head out the door with it and he rest of my stuff. I put the equipment in the trunk and drive to Starbucks. I grab my drink and sit down with my laptop. I open the email and it says that my boss wants me at the office at 11. I check the time and it's 9:30. The office is a 1 hour drive away without traffic, I grab my stuff and throw away my up.

I hop in my car and drive to work, half way through I get a call I awnser using my car's Bluetooth. It's from Vikk "Hey, what's up?" I ask. He replies "I was wondering if you wanted to go to lunch later" I reply "sorry can't I'm heading to the office, it's an hour drive away, without traffic." he sounds disappointed "ok, want me to come over?" I smile even though he can't see "Sure, if you can"

We hang up after I say I'll meet him at this nice sandwich place, his choice was Nandos, I don't particularly like Nandos. I pull into the building parking lot and go to my bosses office it's 10:55 I arrive and walk in. He sits there with a blonde boy about my age, I smile and say "You wanted me?" . He nods and says "Yes, I have noticed your inconsistency with assignments".

I sit and say "It's hard when your the only person on the job." he nods "That's what I thought, this is my nephew he just graduated and would like to go into photography." I smile at the blonde boy and say "Jade" he looks at me and says "Brian". My boss looks at me and says "I want you to take him with you on assignments from now on, he should have an open schedule" I nod and he continues "I also I am assigning you a few indoor shoots here"

I say "Just give me some warming for the shoots I live an hour away" he nods. I stand up and it's 12 I say "Well, nice meeting you Brian" he hands me a card and says "Call me for the next assignment" I smile and nod. I look at my boss after Brian leaves "I have a lunch appointment, I'll be going" he nods and I leave.

I drive to the sandwich place and I'm 5 minuets late. I walk in and see Vikk siting at a table, I sit down and say "I'm sorry, the meeting took longer than I thought" he smiles at me and says "Its fine, you have an actual job." we order and he asks "So, what did your boss want" I replay explaining the thing about Brian and shoots at the office.

He frowns "Sounds like your going to be spending a lot of time with Brian" I reach across the table and put my hand on his arm "Vikk, I didn't have a boyfriend all 3 years in New York, do you know how many guys I turned down?" he smiles and says "Yeah, I guess I'm just over reacting" our food comes and we eat. After we both head back, me to my apartment, Vikk to the Sidemen house.

I get to my apartment to get tackled by Hunter, she looks at me and says "What are you all dressed up for?" I sigh and say "To be taken seriously I have to wear something like this, plus I went to the office today" she smiles "JOSH ASKED ME OUT!!!!!" she yells. I close the door and rub my ears "Maybe you should preserve your voice for YouTube and NOT yell in my ears"

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