Chapter 18 - RANDOM NAME!!

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I've been letting Dylan stay at my place for the moment because she was sharing an apartment with Zoe and got kicked out. But since I'm random I'm gonna change the subject! Yay! So today was fun...


I roll out of bed and land with a thump on the ground. I groan and make my bed, then I brush my hair and hop in the shower. I get out and dry off, blow drying my hair. I brush it into a neat bun and put on nice jeans, a white blouse and a brown leather jacket. I grab my phone and walk out of my room. I see Dylan sitting on my couch, brushing her hair. I text Brian 'Can you do an assignment on short notice?' he replies later as I chug a bottle of orange juice 'Sorry, going out to breakfast with my friend :(' I reply 'Its ok'

Dylan walks into the bathroom and i finish my orange juice, tossing it in the trash. I grab a granola bar and leave, leaving the spare key on the kitchen counter for Dylan. I walk out to the park and see Braydon on the same bench as before, playing his Guitar. I recognize it and sing along, walking over, smiling. He finishes the song and smiles at me "wanna go eat?" I ask, his stomach grumbles and he nods smiling.

I smile as he packs up his guitar "Do you play here every day?" he nods. He grabs it and asks me "What about you, what do you do?" I smile "I'm a photographer, I normaly go to breakfast with my asistant but hes busy today." he nods. He checks his phone and the screen saver is a brunett girl with curly hair smiling up at the camera. "Is that your girlfriend?" I ask, he nods "She lives in New York, we can't afford to move her here so we are stuck separated untill we can save up for an apartment."

I nod "I understand, when I moved to New York I broke up with my boyfriend but I moved back and we're a happy couple again" he smiles "I'm glad to hear". When we get to our destination, a small cafe by where I was going to be photographing for the day, he holds the door for me. We walk inside and sit in a booth, looking at the menus. A couple comes in holding hands, I recognize the boy as Brian.

I tap Braydon's shoulder and he looks at where i'm pointing "That's my assistant" i say he nods and Brian looks over at me and his eyes widen. I smile and wave, he comes and sits at a two person table next to us. The waitress takes our order then walks away. I smile and say "Funny seeing you here Brian, who's this?" i ask. He smiles "Yeah, this is my friend Lilly" gesturing to the girl.

She was wearing a green creeper banie on her blonde hair along with a tank top with 'Can I Axe you a question?' on it, and shorts. I smile at her he speaks again "Who's this?" i smile "My friend Braydon" emphasizing the word friend. He nods, our food comes and Brian and Lilly order. After we finish eating I pay and leave, heading to a new book store.


I finish up my lunch and head out, the door closing behind me. I walk back to my apartment thinking about how bad it must be for Braydon, his girlfriend lives in New York. When I open the door to my apartment i'm greeted by Dylan yelling "OW" I roll my eyes and see her on the kitchen floor rubbing her head.

I walk into my living room to find the stench of alcohal and Simon passed out on the couch. Vikk walks in from my room and sees me standing there holding my phone, my bun all mesed up and a tired look on my face. He comes over and hugs me "You look like you need a hug" he says I lay my head on his chest. "I come home from a long day of work and i'm greeted by one of my friends passed out on the couch" i say.

He chuckles and I pull away from his grip. I pull my hair out of the bun and let it lay on my shoulders. I take my camera and walk into my office. I download the photos into the computer and emal them to my boss. I check my phone and from a contact I dont recognize I get a text 'Hey I stole your number -Braydon' I smile at it and add him to my contacts.

I walk back out and look at Simon "What happened to him?" I ask nodding my head at Simon as Vikk comes up and hugs me from behind. "Lisa broke up with him, we found him passed out drunk in his room" he says I groan "You brought him to my apartment why?" i say. "Dylan said she would take care of him because none of us are going to deal with him, we'll probably make the hangover worse" he says.

I roll my eyes and Simon groans from the couch, Dylan walks in with two pills and a cup of water. Simon tries to sit up but she hands him the pills and the water before he can react. he takes them and says "Where am I?" i roll my eyes "Your in my apartment because Dylan decided to volunteer ro take care of hungover you." I say.

He lays back down on the couch and I turn around to face Vikk. I kiss his cheek and say "Thanks for the hug" he nods and I go into my room. I am pulling on sweatpants when Vikk walks in and I blush, pulling up the pants. He smirks and gets on the bed. We watch a few episodes of The Walking Dead on my laptop.


We finish the latest episode and I kiss him on the lips "You should probably take Simon home now" I say and he nods. We walk out into my living room to find Dylan and Simon full on making out "Dude!" Vikk says and they pull apart blushing. I roll my eyes "Dylan say goodbye, Simon has to go now" like a mother to her child.

She rolls her eyes and they leave I look at her and say "Spill" she explains that she was talking to him and he started saying that he wasn't good enough, so she said she wasn't good enough and one thing led to another they ended up making out on my couch.


Yay! #Sylan yeah! Leave a:




<3 DarkStar

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