Chapter 14 - depresion, some more depresion and wow! Some more depresion

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I wake up in Brian's arms, I look up and see him smiling at me, I smile back and say "What time is it?" he checks his watch "6" I look outside and see the sun setting. I stand up and grab my stuff I look over at him and say "Thank You, I may or may not be here for the next couple of days" he smiles and says "Your welcome any time" I leave and drive home, when I unlock the door to my apartment I see Hunter and Josh in there.

I sigh and say "What do you want" setting down my keys, phone and jacket. Hunter looks at me and says "Where we're you your phone was off and we couldn't get a hold of you" I sigh and sit on the couch next to Josh who looked at me worried. "I was at Brian's ok I was at Brian's" I say. Hunter looks at me and says "Vikk's a mess and that Dylan chick is comforting him" I look at her angrily "Vikk's a mess he's the one who broke up with me" I yell "He broke me" I say tears threatening to flow.

Hunter looks at me and says "Why did you kiss Brian, the truth" I stand up and practically scream "I KISSED HIM BECAUSE HIS EX WAS ANNOYING THE HELL OUT OF HIM THATS WHY" tears spilling down my cheeks. "if you don't believe me then go" I say softly. I look at her and Josh and say "Out, both of you right now!" they head out the door but on the way put Josh turns to me and says "Jade don't" then leaves.

I sigh and run to my bathroom, grabbing my blade my stomach hurts so bad as I drag the knife across my skin crying. I throw it in a drawer and put on some new clothes. I curl p in my bed and fall asleep.

*Vikk's P.O.V.*

Josh and Hunter come back and I'm on the couch not doing anything, Dylan left a while ago. Dylan has been comforting me saying that she wasn't worth my time, when in reality I didn't deserve Jade. Hunter comes in and says "She's doing worse that you are Vikk, she's doing worse." I look at her and say "Where was she?" she looks nervously at Josh and he turns to me "She was at Brian's"

I don't say anything I just stand up and go to my room. Of corse she was at Brian's he was probably holding her in his arms comforting her. I sigh running a hand through my hair what did I do? Ive probably ruined my relationship with her completely for being a jealous boyfriend, I'm an idiot!


Don't flip just yet...

Just wait.

<3 DarkStar

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