Chapter 3 - The Irony Of Choking On A Lifesaver

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It's been 2 weeks since I moved back from England, I have moved into my apartment, it's nice, one bedroom, one bath, a living room, kitchen, and small dining area, perfect for me. I get up and brush my hair back into a ponytail and put on a Pierce The Veil tee, with some ripped black jeans, I stopped cutting but I still feel pain, seeing Vikk with Zoe.

The boys have told me that he only started dating her after they told her about me and she started acting like me. I've become friends withe all of the boy's girls. I grab my key, phones and walett and head out with my camera. I had a new assignment, they were doing an article on a plant breeder. I walked to the park, for the beautiful garden they have.

I walk over, and a couple is sitting on the bench, I get out my camera and start snapping photos. As I near the bench I realize it's Vikk and Zoe, she's flirting. Vikk notices me first as I snap a pic of a rose. He doesn't recognize me so I keep on going, Zoe recognizes me and says "Jade, what are you doing here?" I look over to see Vikk shocked "I'm doing my job, this park has the most beautiful flowers." I say smiling.

Vikk speaks up "Oh, you wanna ride home?" he says I stand up and shake my head "No, it's fine I can walk home.". He stands up and says "I insist" he grabs Zoe's hand and we go to his car. He drives me to my apartment and goes home. I unlock my door and walk in, the first thing I do is go to my room and get the photos in an email and off to my boss.

I gat a Skype call and awnser it without thinking it's Vikk "Hey" he says. I turn face cam on and reply "What's up?" he turns on face cam and says "Nothing, I'm just board, wanna come over?" I smile and say "sure, be there in 10" I log off Skype and grab a jacket. I start walking because I don't have a car but Simon is driving from somewhere and picks me up.

When I get there it's just me, Vikk and Simon. I walk in and Vikk is on the couch "Hey" I say. He turns around and smiles "Hey, Simon give you a ride?" he asks. I say "yep" and grab a Pepsi from the fridge. Vikk yells from the living room "Can you grab me a Coke?" I smile and grab one. I walk back in and toss it to him. I sit down next to him and we sit there in silence, Vikk is the first to break it "So, how is your new appartment?" he asks.

I smile and say "It's great, it's also a step up from my one in New York." we talk for a bit longer and Vikk gets a call. He awnsers it and the part I can hear is "Hey.... With Jade .... Why .... Whatever.... If I can't hang out with Jade then no .... He I'm choosing my friend of 5 years over my girlfriend.... Fine were over." he hangs up his phone looking upset.

I look at him and say "Who was that?" he looks at me with tears in his eyes and says "That was Zoe, she said I had to pick between you and her, I chose you." a tear escapes his eye. I scoot over and hug him he lays his head on my neck like he used to and cried I comfort him and Simon walks in. He just stands there. I say "Zoe broke up with Vikk." he nods and goes into the kitchen.

Vikk's silent tears stop and he looks at me he says "I think I know why I thought I was in love with Zoe" I look at him and then look at my lap, bodies still very close. "I thought I was in love with her because she's exactly like you" he says I reply still looking at my lap "I've changed, Vikk, I'm different now.". He turns my head to face him and says "It's still you though Jade, it's still you." he leans in to kiss me and I back up.

"I can't, you just got out of a relationship I stumble grabbing my stuff and run out. I put in my ear buds and start playing a song, I pay attention to the lyrics and cry as I walk home. I'm only his second choice, as soon as he broke up with her he went to me. He doesn't love me. Another song comes on and I listen closely

Stop fucking around with my emotions

I like you better when you're numb

I'm sick and tired of false devotion

Devote yourself to moving on

Or suck it up and let it go

But you're always out to get me

You're the snake hidden in my daffodils when I'm picking flowers

That's just my luck these days

Why can't you just be happy for me?

You're the break lights failing as my car swerves off the freeway

It kind of feels like sabotage

Why can't you just be happy for

Why can't you just be happy for me?

You think your opinions make you savy

Your running mouth falls on deaf ears

You say you're winning 'cause you're laughing

While I'm crying crocodile tears

Just suck it up and let it go

But you're always out to get me

You're the snake hidden in my daffodils when I'm picking flowers

That's just my luck these days

Why can't you just be happy for me?

You're the break lights failing as my car swerves off the freeway

It kind of feels like sabotage

Why can't you just be happy for,

Why can't you just be happy for me?

(Why can't you just be happy for)

Why can't you just be happy for me?

(I'll never be good enough no, I'll never be good enough)

Why can't you just be happy for me?

(I'll never be good enough no, I'll never be good enough)

But you're always out to get me

You're the snake hidden in my daffodils when I'm picking flowers

That's just my luck these days

Why can't you just be happy for me?

You're the break lights failing as my car swerves off the freeway

It kind of feels like sabotage

Why can't you just be happy for,

Why can't you just be happy for me?

I reach my apartment and I get a call from Simon I ignore it and shut off my phone. I collapse on my couch and listen to the rest of the album. I hear a knock on the door and I open it to find Vikk, I try to close it but he steps in "Jade wait" I reply "I've done enough waiting, I'm just your second choice." he grabs my arm and says "Jade I never stopped loving you, when I was dating Zoe I only saw you, Please Jade Please I can't take it anymore.

I look at him and crash my lips against his, he kisses back and sparks fly, our lips move in sync. He fully walks into the apartment and closes the door, without separating our lips. I break it and say "I never stopped loving you either" I kiss him again and we spend the afternoon kissing. He starts moving down my neck and he finds my sweet spot, sucking on it probably leaving a hickey, I moan.

It doesn't go passed that and we fall asleep on my bed, for the first night in 3 years I'm happy with another body next to me. I fall asleep with his arms around me and my head in his chest.


The song was The Irony Of Choking On A Lifesaver by All Time Low

<3 DarkStar

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