After the Rainfall: Old Endeavors (Episode 15)

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After the Rainfall: Episode 15

"Old Endeavors"

Fumikage and Tsuyu are sitting inside of the bubble tea cafè. Tsuyu cautiously takes a few sips, clearly still in anguish after her conversation with Fumi last night. The two aren't making eye contact despite this being a "friend date".

Fumikage: How do you... even drink this?

Fumi is fumbling with the large straw due to having a beak. This causes Tsuyu to laugh, alleviating the tension between the two.

Tsuyu: So, how did your mutation quirk manifest anyway? I know quirks begin to take form around kindergarten, so did you just wake up one day, and... were suddenly a bird?

Fumikage: Oh, I was born like this. Ever since I was born, I've always been a bird. Here, look. It's a baby photo of me.

Fumi shows Tsuyu a photo of him at birth. He looked like a completely normal newborn baby.... well, if a newborn baby had a hatchling's head for its own.

Tsuyu: Ribbit! Awww, you look so cute here!

Fumikage: A-Ah, r-really?

Tsuyu: Yeah, you-! ...Um, Tokoyami? Are you okay — you're a little red...?

Fumikage: *Blush* Ahem! I'm sorry. It's just that I've never been called "cute" before... especially not from a girl...

Tsuyu: Oh, well it's true! Your picture reminds me a lot of when my little siblings were born. They were really just the cutest — ribbit ribbit!

Fumikage: W-Well, back to my quirk, I initially thought that I was just going to be a bird for the rest of my life, but... things happened in kindergarten... and now I have Dark Shadow.

Dark Shadow appears from under Fumi's hoodie, and the two share a fist bump.

Tsuyu: Thank goodness. If you didn't have such a strong quirk, you wouldn't have been admitted to U.A., and we never would have become classmates...

Dark Shadow: You know I come in clutch when we need it, baby!

Fumikage: Thank you for your input, Dark Shadow...

Tsuyu: I don't know what I'd be doing without you right now, Tokoyami. Even in school, we've always been such a dynamic duo — we even managed to  outsmart Ectoplasm...

Fumikage: I feel the same. We've definitely been through a lot, haven't we, Asui?

Tsuyu: "Tsu"...

Fumikage: *Cough* Sorry... Tsu.

Tsuyu: Ehehe — It's kind of funny. You're a lot like Deku in the regard that the two of you forget to call me by my nickname.

Fumikage: S-Sorry... I'm just too polite to remember sometimes.

Tsuyu: Ahaha... Be careful, Tokoyami. You know what they say: "Nice heroes always finish last."

Fumikage: Yet here I am with you, and you're here with me. I think I'm doing a swell job.

Tsuyu: Hahaha! Yeah, yeah you are — ribbit!

Fumikage: *Smile* ...Cute.

Tsuyu: Wh-What's cute?

Fumikage: Your verbal tic.

Tsuyu: M-My tic? Hahaha — Gosh, I've never heard anybody call my ribbiting cute.

Fumikage: I don't know why, but it just is. You also do this adorable thing where you place your index finger next to your lip while tilting your head.

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