After the Rainfall: ...Because In The End... (Episode 18)

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After the Rainfall: Episode 18

"...Because In The End..."

The sun has finally set, and the rainfall grows even fiercer. Finally realizing that it had become dark outside, and that they had become soaking wet, Tsuyu and Fumi let go of their embrace. The two merely stare at each other while the only illumination in the area are the front lights of the 1-A Dormitory, and the distant street lights.

Tsuyu: I guess it's over now...

Fumikage: Y-Yes... I believe so.

Tsuyu: Shall we head in...? Before Dark Shadow decides to go berserk — ribbit ribbit...

Dark Shadow emerges from Fumi's now wet hood. He floats up, and uses himself as an umbrella for the two.

Dark Shadow: I-I'll be good for a couple of minutes...! A-Although, I'd prefer if you two would h-hurry this conversation along...!

Tsuyu: I see... Come on, Tokoyami. We should head inside. Our classmates are probably worried that we haven't arrived home yet.

Tsuyu smiles one more time before slowly turning around to proceed to the dormitory.

Fumikage: ...

Dark Shadow: Are you really just going to let her go like that, Fumi?

Fumikage: ...I'll never leave your side ever again, Tsu.

Tsuyu: *Blush* ...What was that, Toko-?

Fumi grabs Tsuyu by the arm before she can leave him. Tsuyu turns around blushing as she gazes directly into Fumi's dark eyes.

Fumikage: Tsuyu, I promise to never leave you alone ever again.

Tsuyu: *Blush* Th-That's okay, Tokoyami... T-Tomoko's one of your childhood friends, a-and I wouldn't want to ruin your reunion for my sa-

Fumikage: That isn't what I meant. What I am trying to say is that I never want to see you cry like last night ever again. I promise that I will always be somebody who can comfort you in your time of need. I promise that I will never neglect you whenever you are feeling horrible about yourself...

But most importantly... I promise that I am going to be your hero. You have my word...

After hearing his kind words, Tsuyu suddenly begins whimpering to herself again. She starts softly sobbing to herself, burying her face into her palms as the tears only continue flowing along with the drops of rain. Fumi inches closer towards her, holding her by the waist.

Tsuyu: *Sob* Why...? Why, Tokoyami?! Why are you being... so nice to me?!

*Sob* You've been the only one who's been h-hearing me out d-despite my problems being so childish! You're being such a nice friend to me... wh-when I honestly d-don't even deserve your kindness! You're s-so sweet, and nice... so understanding... so friendly towards a screw-up like myself! R-Ribbit, ribbit!

Y-You even wrote me s-such a beautiful poem. You wrote such heartfelt feelings in one piece of paper that I've been cherishing ever since you've given it to me! Even though you weren't involved in my silly problems, you made me feel s-so special when I'm such a mess!

It'd be so much easier if you thought I was weird, but you don't! I thought you would grow sick of me by now, b-but you're still here making me feel better about myself! Wh-Why are you making me feel this way, Tokoyami...?

Wh-Why does my heart beat so f-fast whenever it's just you and me together?!

Fumikage: It's because I'm in love with you.

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