Under the Rainfall: Beneath the Mistletoe (Episode 16)

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Under the Rainfall: Episode 16

"Beneath the Mistletoe"

The tension between Momo and Shoto begins to rise, as the misunderstanding between Momo and Yosetsu is only being further dramatized by Shoto.

Shoto: If you really wanted to spend time in Class-B's christmas party, I won't hesitate to stop you. After all, I want to make you happy, even though it breaks me.

Momo: Shoto, that's not it at all!

Shoto: Oh, so you just want to spend time with *him*? I see...

Momo: It was a complete misunderstanding! Awase only gave me the gift because it was Christmas!

Shoto: But was it necessary to flirt with him...?

Momo: Flirt?! We never even flirted! Are you saying I can't have friends now? I can't hang out with any other of my friends as long as you're around?!

Shoto is suddenly taken aback, and Momo finally snaps; letting loose all of her pent up emotions that have been built up in the past two weeks.

Momo: Shoto, why won't you ever just listen to me?! Maybe if you'd let me finish my sentences, we wouldn't be in this situation in the first place!

Shoto: *Stand* Well, maybe you should consider that I have trouble trusting WOMEN AFTER WHAT MY MOTHER DID TO ME!!!


Shoto screams the last words of his sentence, alerting everyone in the premises. Momo inches backwards in fear as Shoto begins breathing quickly after snapping. Shoto takes a deep breath and calmly takes his seat again.

Awkward stares can be felt from all directions, but eventually the party continues; leaving Shoto and Momo in an anxious circumstance once again.


Shoto: I didn't mean to yell...

Momo remains in silence. Shoto tries to hold her, but Momo pulls away. Tears suddenly begin falling down from her eyes, leaving Shoto with a concerned expression.

Momo: *Sob* I'm so sorry...

Shoto: N-No, Momo, *I'm* sorry! It wasn't my intent to raise my voice; it's my fault, don't apologize!

Momo continues crying. She hides her tears and the sounds of her weeping by covering her face with the palms of her hands.

Shoto: M-Momo... please stop crying... I don't want to see you like that...

Momo: *Sob* Sh-Shoto...!

Momo lunges into Shoto's arms, and gives him a tight hug. Shoto comforts her by stroking her by the back.

Momo: I-I love you so much... *Sob* I don't want to hurt you ever again.

Shoto continues petting and caressing Momo to put her at ease.

Shoto: Shhhh... It's okay, I'm here. Please stop crying...

Momo pulls away, and looks down; hiding the blush on her face. Shoto places his palm on Momo's cheek and wipes away her tears with his thumb.

Shoto: You know, I would totally kiss you right now if it weren't for all of our classmates.

Momo: I don't deserve you...


From afar, the girls stare towards Momo and Shoto. Kyoka stares at the roof, and sees Ochaco floating above the two. Kyoka gives Ochaco a thumbs-up.

Kyoka: ...Initiate phase three...

Ochaco ties a mistletoe on a piece of string given to her by Kyoka. She then slowly lowers it as not to accidentally drop it. Ochaco lowers the mistletoe perfectly right over Momo and Shoto's heads.

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