Under the Rainfall: Growing Rumors (Episode 20)

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Under the Rainfall: Episode 20

"Growing Rumors"

A Few Days Later...

It's official. Momo and Shoto are dating, and they aren't in any way hiding it — doing everything that couples do. They continue talking with each other in class, sitting together during lunch, and even walking back to the dorms together.

Shoto is standing at U.A.'s entrance presumably waiting for Momo. Suddenly, Momo comes running in the scene.

Momo: *Pant* *Pant* Sorry, I'm late. Decorating for the New Year's Dance is quite taxing. Especially today for some reason, because people seem to be ignoring me for some reason...

Shoto: It's fine. I'm honestly surprised that you're still going to school. You should enjoy our holiday break from school while it lasts.

Momo: Hahaha! I think I'd be more worried if I *didn't* go to school for an extended period of time. You know, you don' have to walk me home everyday if you don't want to.

Shoto: It's alright, but look... it started raining.

Momo: Rain, huh? You know, it's kind of strange how much it's raining during this time of year. I would expect more snowfall than rain...

Suddenly, a group of second years approach the entrance.

Student: Ah, dang... do any of you have umbrellas?

Momo: Oh, do you guys need umbrellas? I'd gladly make you some-!

The group suddenly begins whispering to themselves, and giving Momo and Shoto condescending stares.

"Dude, that's Yaoyorozu from 1-A"

"What, really? Shit, come on, let's go."

"Hurry up, hurry up, she's staring!"

The group quickly walks out without even staring at Momo, leaving her in confusion.

Shoto: Hmm — What was that all about?

Momo: I... don't know.

Momo creates a large umbrella for her and Shoto to share. She gives him the umbrella, and they begin walking home from school.

As they begin walking, they notice that the rest of the U.A. students in the area are staring at them, some whispering into their friends' ears, and some even seemingly laughing at them.

Momo notices the sudden attention, and she begins to grow nervous. She clings on Shoto's arm, trying her best to ignore the leering.

Momo: Sh-Shoto? Why are people staring at us...?

Shoto: Well, I usually get stares from girls. I never really understood that, but I think I do now that you're my girlfriend.

Momo: Haha... that's sweet, but I don't think these are stares of admiration...

Still continually being stared at, Momo tries to look around for familiar faces. She then sees a few members of Class 1-B walking ahead of her and Shoto. She starts walking faster, causing Shoto to try to catch up to her with the umbrella.

Momo: Kendo, Tetsu, Monoma...?

Itsuka, Tetsutetsu and Neito look back and see a concerned Momo walking alongside Shoto. Seeing this, Neito begins cackling.

Neito: AHAHAHAHAHA! What's this?! The Class-A lovebirds are talking to us? Why don't you go back to your dorms and start doing-!

Itsuka enlarges her fist and smacks Neito right on the back of his head.

Neito: AH! Kendo, what the heck?!

Itsuka: Dude, shut UP! We shouldn't be talking about that RIGHT in front of them!

Shoto: Talking about... what exactly? Monoma, what is she talking about?

Tetsutetsu: Nice going, you big idiot. S-Sorry, Todoroki... we'll get out of your way.

Momo: I-Itsuka, do you know where Awase is by any chance? He was supposed to help decorate for New Year's but he didn't show up today.

Itsuka sighs and gives Momo a comforting pat on the shoulder.

Neito: Hah! He SAYS he's sick, but he's obviously heartbroken because of what you and Todoroki DID!

Tetsu uses his quirk, and smacks Neito on the back of his head again.

Momo: ("Wh-What he and I... did"?)

Itsuka: Look, Yao-momo... If you ever want to talk, you can always come to me, okay?

Momo: Itsuka, what do you mean? This is really the first time we've heard of this...

Itsuka: *Sigh* Come on, guys...

Itsuka grabs the unconscious Monoma with her big fists. Tetsu sighs and gives Shoto a steel-hardened fist bump on his chest. This encounter only leaves Shoto and Momo even more confused than before.

A few minutes later, Momo and Shoto arrive home to the dorms. The two look around, but everybody is seemingly on edge. Even right after Christmas, everybody in Class 1-A seems to be in a gloomy mood.

Momo and Shoto walk up to Katsuki, Denki, Eijiro and Izuku all sitting on the couch and deep in thought.

Momo: E-Everyone? Why do you all look so down...? *Nervous Laugh*

The four look towards Momo and Shoto with somber, regretful, and even angered expressions.

Katsuki: You two really just fucking had to put our class through the ringer, huh?!

Shoto: Bakugo, what are you-?

Denki: Th-This is all our fault... if we just stopped Ashido...!

Izuku: Todoroki, Yaoyorozu... I'm-I'm sorry...

Momo: Alright, that's it... Why has everyone been so cold and distant today?! What even happened? Are we missing something?

Katsuki stands up and begins intimidatingly approaching Momo.

Katsuki: This never would've fucking happened if these two weren't so goddamn obvious! Do you two know how bad our class' reputation is?! We'd be the most hated in the school if it wasn't for the school festival, but you two really needed to drag us all into the dirt, huh?!

As Katsuki angrily storms towards Momo, Shoto steps in front of her as to protect her. Eijiro grabs Katsuki and tries to pull him back.

Eijiro: Bakugo, calm down! You aren't helping!

Katsuki: Let me the FUCK go, Kirishima!

Izuku: K-Kacchan, calm down!

Denki and Izuku join in and manage to calm Katsuki down. The four calmly sit back down, returning to the somber atmosphere.

Eijiro: Yaoyorozu... Todoroki... I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Mr. Aizawa is looking for you, and it's urgent.

Shoto: Wh-Why... would Mr. Aizawa...?

Eijiro: You too, Bakugo... It doesn't sound like it's going to be pretty either...

Katsuki: Fan-fucking-tastic. Come on, you two. Let's just get this shitty day over with.

Katsuki begins walking up the stairs, and Momo and Shoto follow. The walk was a silent and awkward one. The three eventually make it to the room, but from outside, the sound of crying is heard.

Katsuki takes a deep breath, and opens the door to Shota Aizawa's room. Momo and Shoto follow, and there they see Aizawa overlooking Mina crying into her palms.

Mina: *Sob* P-Please... don't expel me, Mr. Aizawa...

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