After the Rainfall: Unus Pro Omnibus, Omnes Pro Uno (Episode 28)

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After the Rainfall: Episode 28

"Unus Pro Omnibus, Omnes Pro Uno"

I've never had any meaningful relationships before.

My earliest memories are a blur. They only consist of myself being under my father's control as I only spectated my three siblings living out their childhoods in peace. I merely watched in solace how joyful they looked. I've always wanted to join them in their fun, but I've never gotten the chance to.

My father was horrible; horrible as both a father and as a husband. My only source of comfort were in the arms of my dear mother. She's the woman who cultivated my motivation and aspirations to become a hero. Despite my worldview being heavily altered due to the abuse of my father, my mother was always there cheering me on, supporting me through everything.

Ever since my brother's disappearance, my family just hasn't been the same. My siblings grew distant, my father's excruciating training only continued... but the effects of this have been especially distraughtful for my mother. She tried her best to comfort me since I haven't yet grasped the concept of death, but I could obviously tell that she's been suffering the most out of anybody in our family.

It all culminated when the abuse was too much. My mother couldn't take it anymore; her life was torture, but who could blame her for doing what she did? She had been tipped over the edge, and she grabbed me in a fit of rage, and poured boiling water right onto my left side in hopes to kill it. She had realized her mistake, and desperately tried to freeze the scalding burns, but she accidentally used too much power... causing severe frostbite on where the boiling water splashed against my face, scarring it a deep shade of red.

My father had sent her to a mental hospital because she hurt me, but I did not resent her for this. I was only confused, scared... that the only figure of authority in our family was now just my abusive father. Even though she's severely hurt me, I never did stop loving my mother. I only wondered when she would come back; I wanted her to be there for me, to save me from my father's training; however, the years only went by, and she never did come back. I grew up only being trained to fight, and not having any role models aside from my siblings who were mere children at the time as well.

Seeing this, I grew to abhor my left side as well. I blamed nobody but myself for being born into this world harboring my father's powers. On the day that my mother was sent away, I vowed to myself that I would never, ever use my left side ever again. My mother simply despised it, and I wished to honor what she had done to me, even though it felt unfair. Over the years, however, I grew to hate my left side even further up until the point that I hated it just as much as I hated my father. I continued only training my right side in honor of my mother. I wanted to never associate myself with my father, so I only ever wanted to use the powers that I inherited from my mother.

My father's training, the death of my brother, my mother pouring boiling water on me, and her being sent away from me — All of this developed me into a cold and distant person. Like I said, I never made any friends, my family never seemed to love me, and my life was completely full of misery. I feel as if the only reason I continued living my detestable excuse for a life was my aspiration to become a hero, so that maybe, when my mother can finally see me again, she can see her son who had grown into a fine, young man whom had accomplished his dreams.

That dream was my inspiration to continue fighting. I decided to go to the most prestigious hero school, so I hurriedly applied to U.A. High School through the recommendation of my father. I admit, even though his training was nigh unendurable, my father trained me to become a powerful individual. I was accepted on the spot, and my days as a U.A. Hero Course, high school student had begun.

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