After the Rainfall: Izuku and Ochaco - Confrontation (Episode 7)

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After the Rainfall: Episode 7

"Izuku and Ochaco: Confrontation"

After the greeting of the guests, the party continues. A few minutes later, Izuku sits down on a couch away from the party by himself, pondering and muttering to himself. As Izuku continues mumbling, Ochaco walks up and takes a seat beside him.

However; Izuku doesn't even notice her and continues mumbling. Ochaco waves her hand in front of his face to no avail. Ochaco tries tapping him on the back, but Izuku continues muttering further. Finally, Ochaco lightly slaps him on the cheek, bringing Izuku back to sense.

Izuku: Owie...

Ochaco: Deku? You're muttering to yourself again.

Izuku: A-Ah, am I? I'm sorry...

Ochaco: No need to apologize! I think it'd be weird if you weren't always mumbling — ahahaha...

Izuku takes a deep breath, and tries to focus all his attention on Ochaco. After all, the two were planning to confess to each other tonight, but the other didn't know.

Izuku: Umm... You look really beautiful in that dress, Ochaco!

Ochaco: *Blush* A-Ah, you think so? I just borrowed money from Yao-momo to buy this dress, so I'm sorry if I look like a mess!

Izuku: No, I think you look amazing actually. You're... perfect...

Ochaco: Ahaha — D-Deku, come on! I might start running away all shy if you keep making my heart race like this...

Ochaco stares down at Izuku's outfit. She giggles as she realizes his tie still isn't tied properly.

Ochaco: Ehehehe — Your tie is all short, silly...

Izuku: Oh, it is! I usually have Iida do it, but I think he's busy right now.

Ochaco: Here, I'll help you with that...

Ochaco slowly inches towards Izuku. She looks downwards from his face, firmly grasps Izuku's necktie, and begins tieing it to the best of her ability. As she continues fidgeting with the tie, she takes a few quick glances up at Izuku's green eyes.

Izuku notices, and the two shyly look away once they make eye contact. Ochaco fits the tie under Izuku's collar, wrapping her arms around his neck. She moves closer towards Izuku's body — blushing slightly after feeling his body's warmth.

The two are practically hugging at this point. Ochaco finishes tidying up Izuku's collar — their faces still only centimeters apart from each other. After the final touches, Ochaco begins to move backward, but Izuku pulls Ochaco closer.

Ochaco: *Blush* Deku...? Ahaha — I'm... done with your tie, s-so... you can let go now.

Izuku moves his head right next to Ochaco's ear. Her hands still firmly holding his neck, Ochaco pulls Izuku's head closer. Izuku faces Ochaco's ear, making direct contact with her head, taking in the scent of her hair. Ochaco closes her eyes, and blushes as Izuku continues breathing softly into her ear. Izuku softly whispers into Ochaco's ears, causing her to shiver as Izuku's baritone voice enters her ears.

Izuku: *Low Voice* Ochaco...

Ochaco: *Shiver* M-Mmm~?

Izuku: *Whisper* I-I love...

Ochaco: *Blush* Three words, and I'm yours forever...

Izuku holds Ochaco closer. He takes a deep breath...

Izuku: I... I love-!

Suddenly, Izuku glances away for a split-second, and notices Melissa approaching.

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